Using USC Technology, PLTU Jawa 8 Potentially Saves Rp 1 Trillion

Monday, 17 February 2020 - Dibaca 2245 kali




NUMBER: 073.Pers/04/SJI/2020

Date: 17 February 2020

Using USC Technology, PLTU Jawa 8 Potentially Saves Rp 1 Trillion

To increase investment in Indonesia, PLN has operated Coal-fired Steam Power Plant (PLTU) Cilacap Ekspansi II (PLTU Jawa 8) with a capacity of 1,000 Mega Watt (MW) located in Karangkandri, Slarang, and Menganti villages of Kesugihan Sub-regency, Cilacap Regency, Central Java Province.

The PLTU which started its COD (Commercial Operation Date) at the end of 2019 is part of the 35,000 MW project. With operation faster than target and the use of USC (Ultra Super Critical) boiler technology, the PLTU potentially saves PLN's operation costs of about Rp 1 trillion.

"Just like PLTU Jawa 7, PLTU Jawa 8 uses the environmentally friendly USC technology which will increase plant's efficiency, so the operation costs can be saved. PLN reported the saving can reach up to Rp 1 trillion," said Head of Bureau of Communication, Public Information Services, and Cooperation of Ministry of EMR in Jakarta, Monday (17/2).

Out of the total capacity of 1,000 MW, 55 MW will be used for the PLTU's internal operation, so the capacity distributed to PLN's customers is 945 MW.

PLN's Business Director for Java, Madura, and Bali Region, Haryanto W.S., in the company's press release stated that construction of the PLTU was eight months faster than the initial operational target in August 2020. This shows that PLN's supply has become safer and more reliable, suggesting the company is ready to boost investment in Indonesia.

PLTU Jawa 8 needed an investment of around USD 1.4 billion, equivalent to Rp 19 trillion. The construction of the power plant absorbed 4,200 workers, and it will supply electricity to about 1,050,000 household customers subscribed to the 900 VA plan.

Overall, there are four electricity investment in Cilacap, namely PLTU Adipala with a capacity of 660 MW, PLTU Cilacap 1 and 2 with a capacity of 2x300 MW, PLTU Cilacap Ekspansi 1 with a capacity of 1x660 MW, and PLTU Cilacap Ekspansi 2 with a capacity of 1x1,000 MW.

These five PLTU's produce a total capacity of 2,920 MW and employ approximately 6,000 people, which surely boost the economic growth in Cilacap. (IY)

Head of Bureau of Communication, Public Information Services, and Cooperation

Agung Pribadi (08112213555)

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