Pemerintah Targetkan Digitalisasi Nozzle Selesai Juni 2020

Monday, 30 December 2019 - Dibaca 911 kali



NUMBER: 725.Pers/04/SJI/2019

Date: 30 December 2019

Govt Targets Nozzle Digitalization Completes by June 2020

To monitor the supply and the distribution of Certain Fuel (JBT)/Subsidized fuel of Solar diesel oil and Assignment Fuel (JBKP)/Premium gasoline so that the fuels are right on target and volume, the governments targets the completion of nozzle digitalization at 5,118 refueling stations by June 2020.

"PT Pertamina (Persero) this year receives a quota on Subsidized Fuels of 98.5% out of 15.87 million KL. Pertamina has tried to apply IT Nozzle or nozzle digitalization. Out of these 5,518 stations, only about 2,500 stations are digitalized. If possible, in June 2020 all 5,518 stations have used IT Nozzle and recorded the registration number of all vehicles using Subsidized Fuels," said Head of Regulating Agency of Downstream Oil and Gas (BPH Migas), M. Fanshurullah Asa.

He said this before he handed over the Decision on the Assignment and the Quota for Certain Fuel (JBT) and Assignment Fuel (JBKP) 2020 to Business Entities Receiving the Assignment and governors of Indonesia in Jakarta, Monday (30/12).

Nozzle digitalization will be applied at 5,518 refueling stations and is targeted to be complete by June 2020 according to the commitment of PT Pertamina (Persero) and PT Telkom.

BPH Migas requests that the remaining target be implemented on time and that Pertamina implement consumer identification and purchase volume at the nozzles of digitalized stations through vehicle registration number, by first recording the number before refueling. By limiting the daily purchase of Solar/Premium, the purchase will automatically be recorded at all refueling stations. So if purchase exceeds the maximum limit, the vehicles will not be served because the nozzle system is automatically locked.

Based on the records of the Field Verification Team of BPH Migas until 27 Desember 2019, as many as 2,740 stations are digitalized, with 2,552 stations installed EDC (electronic data capture). Out of the 2,552 stations, only 601 stations record transactions based on vehicle registration number, and these stations are scattered in MOR (Marketing Operational Region) I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, and VIII, respectively 42, 7, 269, 178, 79, 5, 20, and 1 station.

In addition to the 2020 JBT and JBKP monitoring by using the IT Nozzle, BPH Migas will also increase direct field monitoring by involving various agencies from both national and regional governments (governors and regents/mayors throughout Indonesia). (IY)

Head of Bureau of Communication, Public Information Services, and Cooperation

Agung Pribadi (08112213555)

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