Monitoring Mineral Sales, Govt Launches MVP Application

Monday, 2 December 2019 - Dibaca 3227 kali



NUMBER: 689.Pers/04/SJI/2019

Date: 2 December 2019

Monitoring Mineral Sales, Govt Launches MVP Application

Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (EMR) has started to apply digitalized reporting system for mineral sales, by launching an application called Sales Verification Module (MVP).

Director General of Mineral and Coal (Minerba) Bambang Gatot Ariyono says that the MVP is one of the applications in the mineral and coal subsector initiated by the Ministry which is aimed to improve the accuracy of mineral sales data, which until lately have been puzzling.

"We have constantly been bumped against differing data. Data from DG Customs, Statistics Indonesia, Ministry of Trade, all are different. It should not happen again. I've requested our colleagues at (DG) Minerba to synchronize these data," said Bambang at the MPV launch in Hotel Aryaduta Karawaci Tangerang, Monday (2/12).

This integrated application is expected to prevent multiple interpretation of data, so the perception that policy has been misused can be minimized. "If the data are different, the interpretation can be diverse. An online service will prevent manipulation or Corruption, Collusion, and Nepotism (KKN)," said Bambang.

The MVP launch, Bambang continues, is one of the efforts of Ministry of EMR to improve the service and monitoring of businesses in the mineral and coal subsector. "As I told you previously, we do it in stages. I hope the application will improve so we can better service companies. In addition, we will increase the fostering and monitoring activities. We serve investors but we also carry out fostering activity because it's the government duty," he affirmed.

The MVP application is an integral part of the online system that has previously been applied in the mineral and coal subsector such as E-PNBP (Non-Tax State Revenue), Minerba One Map Indonesia (MOMI), Minerba One Data (MODI), and Minerba Online Monitoring System (MOMS).

"These applications are the forerunners of the MVP. If you, Gentlemen, miss one of these applications, you can't go into production because you don't have a Production Result Report (LHP)," Bambang explained.

The government sets a deadline for mineral businesses until 1 January 2020. "There is still a transition period, for several days, for dissemination and so on," continued Bambang.

Overall, through the MVP Mineral, gradual verification from upstream to downstream is done to mineral sales. Online monitoring is carried out to every handover transaction of mineral, covering among others, origin of mineral, quality, quantity, non-tax state revenue, and destination of sales.

The product of the MVP application is a Verification Result Report (LHV) printed via the system according to the sales data entered into the system by the surveyor for each transaction. This application will hasten the availability of sales data transaction as well as speed up and smooth out PNBP calculation/final royalties so that underpayment can be minimized.

On the same occasion, Ministry of EMR also launches two applications for mineral exploration monitoring, namely Exploration Monitoring System (EMS) and Exploration Data Warehouse (EDW). (IY)

Head of Bureau of Communication, Public Information Services, and Cooperation

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