Ministry of State Apparatus Announces Top 99 Public Service Innovation

Friday, 19 June 2020 - Dibaca 2783 kali




NUMBER: 212.Pers/04/SJI/2020

Date: 19 June 2020

Ministry of State Apparatus Announces Top 99 Public Service Innovation

Two innovations from Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (EMR), namely 'Simon Bageol' (Monitoring System and Early Warning of Geological and Environmental Hazards) and PEDULI (Electricity Subsidy Entitlement Complaint) Application won awards in Top 99 Public Service Innovations of Public Service Innovation Competition organized by Ministry for State Apparatus Empowerment and Bureaucratic Reform.

Head of EMR Research and Development Agency, Dadan Kusdiana, informed this after receiving Announcement Number: N/153/PP.00.05/2020 on Top 99 Public Service Innovations of 2020 and 15 Finalists in the Special Groups of Public Service Innovation Competition within State Ministries/Agencies, Regional Governments, SOEs, and Regional Government-Owned Enterprises of 2020 in Jakarta (19/6).

Dadan explained that Simon Bageol was an early warning system that worked fast, accurately, and in real time. The system informs environmental and geological hazards that may occur near mining areas, for example liquid waste hazard, acid water from mines, floods, rocks movement and landslides near mining and residential areas. This technology can take remote measurement and report the results in real time to operator, so that decision making and action taking can be done quickly and accurately.

Center for Research and Development of Mineral and Coal Technologies of the EMR R&D Agency developed Simon Bageol from similar equipment sold on the market, but with more complete systems that work on an integrated basis, for example it can monitor water quality and quantity, climatology, meteorology, and geophysics as well as geological hazards. Simon Bageol can be used in combination with other equipment, so the combined equipment turns into a new device that can function in various condition.

Simon Bageol is easy to operate because it comes with a solar power system to be used in areas without access to electricity. In remote areas where there is no telephone signal, the equipment works just fine because it uses not only 3G/4G signal but also cable, radio, SMS (short messaging services), GPRS, and satellite.

From social and economic points of view, mining companies can use this technology to help communities near their mines mitigate disasters. Landslides, floods, land movement, or groundwater pollution can be detected more easily, so the environment will be protected and the communities will be safe. From environment point of view, the monitoring system of mine acid water or the online, continuous monitoring system of liquid waste of Simon Bageol will maintain and make sure the groundwater near mining sites unpolluted.

Some mining companies have applied the technology, for example, PT Bukit Asam of Ombilin Mining Unit (UPO), South Sumatra; PT Berau Coal, East Kalimantan; PT Astaka Dodol, South Sumatra; PT. Jorong Barutama Greston, South Kalimantan (2018), and PT. Tanjung Alam Jaya, South Kalimantan (2019).

Simon Bageol received patent number IDP000044650 in 2014. It won an award from Business Innovation Center (BIC) for 102 Indonesian Innovations in 2010. Its local content (TKDN) is 80%, while the remaining 20% is for high-technology sensor which can only be met by imports.

Meanwhile, the PEDULI application has been pioneered since 2017 to make sure that electricity subsidies are on target and to enable underprivileged customers receive their right to electricity subsidies. To qualify, customers fill Complaint Form of Electricity Subsidy Entitlement for Households available at local village office. Next, the complaint is forwarded by the local sub-regency officer to the National Complaint Response Team via web address

Customers can also register their complaints easier via the PEDULI mobile application. This application is downloadable via Android phones and via iPhone since January 2020.

There are four features in PEDULI application, namely Check Citizen Identity Number (NIK), Check Electricity Subsidy, Electricity Complaint, and Complaint Information. The Check NIK feature enables customers to check in the Integrated Databse (BDT) whether or not their NIK is entitled to electricity subsidy. Next, use the Check Electricity Subsidy to check whether the customer identity (IDPEL PLN) is registered at PLN to receive subsidy. The Subsidy Complaint is used to make complaints, and the Complaint Information is used to check the follow-ups to a complaint.

To make complaints about electricity subsidy via the PEDULI, customers must complete their profile in the application, consisting of identity, electricity account number, electricity usage, list of family members, and ownership of social safety card.

Ministry of State Apparatus Empowerment and Bureaucratic Reform issued the 'One Agency One Innovation' policy as an effort to promote better quality of public services. Since 2014, all government offices must create at least one innovation annually and this innovation is assessed in the Public Service Innovation Competition. A good innovation must be replicable by other offices and is expected to change state apparatus mindset and culture to become high-performing and service-oriented officers. (IY)

Head of Bureau of Communication, Public Information Services, and Cooperation

Agung Pribadi (08112213555)

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