Ministry of EMR Ready to Face Challenge of National Electricity Work

Thursday, 11 June 2020 - Dibaca 1793 kali




NUMBER: 205.Pers/04/SJI/2020

Date: 11 June 2020

Ministry of EMR Ready to Face Challenge of National Electricity Work

Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (EMR) is optimistic that employment potential in the electricity and New, Renewable Energy and Energy Conservation (NREEC) subsector is wide open in the future. Skilled workers are in high demand in the subsector because they are needed to speed up the realization of new, renewable energy mix target of 23% in 2025.

"Employment potential in the electricity subsector is actually wide open. Besides those who are directly involved in the main fields such as generation, transmission and distribution, skilled workers are also needed by the supporting fields such as the transformer industry, cable, and so on," said Head of Center for Human Resource Development of Electricity, New, Renewable Energy and Energy Conservation (PPSDM KEBTKE) of Ministry of EMR Laode Sulaeman on Wednesday (10/6), in a webinar titled 'Employment Potential in Electricity Subsector'.

The growth of the cable industry, continued Laode, was an example of the rapid growth of employment. Data from Indonesian Cable Manufacturers Association (APKABEL) show that the industry experiences positive growth in 2020. "The cable industry grows by 10-15% this year. In Tangerang, for example, in an area that is not too large, there are almost 20 cable factories needing many workers and having large turnover. This is just from cable," he added.

The same thing occurs in the transformer industry. This industry is important support for developing the downstream electricity industry. In fact, Indonesia's transformer industry is one of the strongest in Southeast Asia. "Imagine this: the 35,000 MW program will need 33,000 MVA of transformer annually. This is a much needed industry," explained Laode.

Referring to employment opportunities in the 35,000 MW project, Human Capital and Management Director of PT. PLN (Persero) Syofie Felienty Roekman said that PLN would prepare workers with skills in New, Renewable Energy. "We've prepared skilled workers, from new recruits and from our internal workers. We've been recruiting workers with new, renewable energy specialization," said Syofie.

Syofie invited the public to join PLN. "We're very open to anyone who have the competency, who have good integrity, to give their ability to PLN so that we can improve PLN," she added.

To seize this opportunity, Ministry of EMR through PPSDM KEBTKE has prepared competitive and competent human resource. "Infrastructure construction undoubtedly needs qualified human resource. One of the five focuses of the 2020-2024 development is, therefore, how we develop our human resource," said Laode.

One of the efforts made is carrying out competency certification to solve the challenge of national employment, in addition to vocational education and competency-based apprenticeship in factories. "Alhamdulillah (praise God) we have the window, via the Competency Certification Agency (LSK) PPSDM KEBTKE set up under EMR Ministerial Decision and Profession Certification Agency (LSP) BPSDM ESDM from National Profession Certification Agency (BNSP)," Laode informed.

Until December 2019, LSK PPSDM KEBTKE had certified 3,200 people and LSP BPSDM 287 people. "PPSDM KEBTKE currently offer 460 job certification with various scope. In 2019 alone, we certified 3,500 people," Laode added.

To facilitate test takers, PPSDM KEBTKE has formed partnership with companies and 36 universities across Indonesia in setting up test locations. "Not all competency tests are carried out in Ciracas, East Jakarta," Laode concluded.

At the end of the discussion, Laode was confident that employment opportunities in the electricity and NREEC subsector would increasingly be varied with the growing use of electric vehicles, rooftop PV and energy storage. (IY)

Head of Bureau of Communication, Public Information Services, and Cooperation

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