Minister Arifin: Downstreaming must Adopt New Technologies

Sunday, 5 January 2020 - Dibaca 1411 kali




NUMBER: 017.Pers/04/SJI/2020

Date: 5 January 2020

Minister Arifin: Downstreaming must Adopt New Technologies

Minister of Energy and Mineral (EMR) Arifin Tasrif says that mining downstreaming should be coupled with the adoption of new technologies. The use of smart and advanced technologies, new business model, and digitalization will add downstreaming value that will create remarkable business growth.

"About downstreaming, I want us to always adopt new technologies. We have abundant source of minerals, but the technologies belong to other people (states). We must learn how they get their technologies. We have the source, but we are always left behind so that we must buy foreign tecnologies. This is something we must improve," said Arifin when he visited the Geological Agency in Bandung, Friday (1/3).

Arifin illustrates China's success in using downstreaming technologies has made them dominate the world's mining business. "Now China is the leader in nickel processing. It's no wonder large corporations that previously dominated mineral processing are now left behind in terms of cost (from China)," he explained.

The China's success, Arifin adds, must serve as capital for successful downstreaming in Indonesia. "We must be 'offended', offended as to why other people are able and we are not. We must response to the offended feeling with efforts. So, I ask all unit leaders to create programs that refer to these efforts," he said.

Arifin also fully supported the preparation of competitive human resource to adopt the technologies in order to make the downstreaming program succesful. "If you need equipment, I'll give you the equipment; if you need education, I'll support it, too. What's important is the program runs and we can meet our targets," he asserted.

As a part of mining downstreaming, 17 smelters have obtained Special Operation-Production Mining Business License (IUP OPK) from Ministry of EMR.

Ministry of EMR estimates there will be 52 smelters in 2022, consisting of 29 nickel smelters, 9 bauxite smelters, 4 iron smelters, 4 copper smelters, 2 manganese smelters, and 4 zinc & lead smelters. (IY)

Head of Bureau of Communication, Public Information Services, and Cooperation

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