Millennials are Encouraged to Create Business Innovation in Renewable Energy

Sunday, 19 January 2020 - Dibaca 1667 kali



NUMBER: 036.Pers/04/SJI/2020
Date: 19 January 2020

Millennials are Encouraged to Create Business Innovation in Renewable Energy

The millennial involvement in the transformation of energy business receives a special attention from Minister of EMR Arifin Tasrif. Arifin mentioned this point in his keynote speech at the Indonesia Millennial Summit 2020 in Jakarta.

Arifin encourages the young generation to master technology and create innovation in renewable energy no matter how small it is. "Try to create any innovation, no matter how small it is, as long as it's useful for yourself or your surroundings," requested Arifin to the millennials, Friday (17/1).

Arifin further reveals the cooperation between the Indonesian government with Japan government as a proof of support in NRE business development. "So, Indonesia is currently cooperating with Japan on the application of technologies that can reduce emissions and the provision of support. We can start this by creating innovation," he said.

Another support is the opportunity offered to the public to create their own source of electricity. The government is currently preparing a new rule in the form of presidential regulation on the new pricing formula of purchase from NRE-based power plant using a feed-in tariff scheme.

"We are currently preparing new policy on NRE tariff from small scale providers. The goal is to attract small and medium-scale providers to participate," Arifin explained.

Arifin adds that the selling price applied so far is a percentage of the average Electricity Production Cost (BPP). "Later, selling price will be based on region, on energy type, so that the local people will participate in creating energy self-sufficiency," he added.

Arifin opens the opportunity for the private sector to participate in power provision in order to create affordable electricity tariffs. In addition, the government build intense communication with PLN so that the company continues to carry out government assignment in remote areas. "The bottom line is that 100% electrification can be truly enjoyed by the people," he said.

Millennials who will carry out NRE business outside Java, in particular in Eastern Indonesia, must not worry because the government will not let go of responsibility, by giving sufficient tariffs. "As long as the technology is proven, the cost is competitive, we're open to it," Arifin affirmed.

However, the government will control all electricity licensing to prevent misappropriation and to balance the economy. "In the future, we will control (electricity) business licenses to ensure these licenses are not traded," said Arifin.

In its effort to reach out to the millennial, Ministry of EMR is supporting the birth of Indonesian renewable energy startups by cooperating with New Energy Nexus Indonesia. Focusing on the incubation and the managerial development of renewable energy startups, the ministry and New Energy Nexus Indonesia provide mentoring so that startups can develop and give optimum contribution to the national NRE realization. (IY)

Head of Bureau of Communication, Public Information Services, and Cooperation

Agung Pribadi (08112213555)

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