In Five Year Time, Electricity Subsector Needs 35,000 People

Wednesday, 27 November 2019 - Dibaca 1299 kali




NUMBER: 678.Pers/04/SJI/2019

Date: 27 November 2019

In Five Year Time, Electricity Subsector Needs 35,000 People

In the period 2020-2024, the electricity subsector will need an additional 35,000 manpower. "Calculation made by our colleagues in Ministry of EMR shows there will be an additional 35,000 people needed by the electricity subsector," said Head of Human Resource Development Agency (BPSDM) of Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (EMR), IGN Wiraatmaja, when he opens a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) titled "Challenges in Preparing the Human Resource in the Electricity Subsector in the Period 2020-2024" in Jakarta, Wednesday (27/11).

Wiratmaja says the addition has been calculated carefully, because Ministry of EMR together with the relevant stakeholders have made thorough analysis on the future work of the electricity subsector, namely provision of more electricity, increase of electrification ratio, and equal distribution of electricity in Indonesia.

"Plus, our country's economic growth for 2020 onwards is projected at 5.3%. This is high on the world's level. Indonesia is also projected to become a developed country in 2045, the fifth largest economy in the world. We have to prepare for this from now," Wiratmaja added.

Wiratmaja further expresses that fulfilling the human resource demand in the electricity subsector is a huge challenge, not to mention this human resource will have to manage enormous investment, which is projected to reach USD 34 billion or approximately Rp 477 trillion.

This investment will be used to develop new power plants at 20 GW in a five year time, 19,000 km of transmission, and 38,000 substations. "The 34 billion dollar investment certainly needs prepared, skillful, expert, and competent human resource," he reiterated.

To answer this challenge related to human resource, Ministry of EMR has a training and education center with full facility capable of creating human resource who has the appropriate knowledge, skill, and attitude in the electricity subsector, namely Center for Human Resource Development in Electricity, New, Renewable Energy, and Energy Conservation (PPSDM KEBTKE).

The FGD is held as a synergy between Ministry of EMR and PT. PLN (Persero) to develop the human resource in the electricity subsector. The FGD is aimed to better understand the point of view of business people, educators, human resource providers, and regulators engaged in the electricity subsector in supporting national economic growth, especially in the period 2020-2024. (IY)

Head of Bureau of Communication, Public Information Services, and Cooperation

Agung Pribadi (08112213555)

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