Govt to Bring Energy Security with NRE

Wednesday, 10 June 2020 - Dibaca 2098 kali




NUMBER: 204.Pers/04/SJI/2020

Date: 10 June 2020

Govt to Bring Energy Security with NRE

To meet the New, Renewable Energy (NRE) target of 23% in the national energy mix in 2025 as set out in National Energy Policy (KEN), the government and PT PLN (Persero) have prepared strategies to fulfil the aspect of energy sustainability by using and developing renewable energy more extensively, particularly local energy potential.

"In the future, we'll face many challenges of developing NRE, especially of how to increase the NRE share in our energy mix. Using NRE, not only will we get green energy, but we'll also move towards energy security because we use the existing resources in our country, not imported ones," said Director of Electricity Program Fostering Jisman Hutajulu when opening an online training titled NRE-Based Electricity Planning on Tuesday (9/6/2020).

The 23% NRE mix policy has been adopted in the 2019-2038 National Electricity General Plan (RUKN) which is the basis for preparing Regional Electricity General Plan (RUKD) and the 2019-2028 Electricity Procurement Plan (RUPTL) of PT PLN (Persero).

According to Jisman, sustainable development of renewable energy has become crucial because Indonesia needs to use local, green energy to move towards energy security. Additionally, donor countries have stopped financing the construction of fossil-fueled projects such as coal-fired power plants.

Jisman said many EBT resources were located in remote areas with no access to electricity because these areas were not connected to PLN's grids. In total, 433 villages in Indonesia are not electrified.

"We'll try to provide electricity access this year. Because these villages are scattered, technology is necessary because the extension grid from PLN cannot be applied. The most suitable method is by developing local energy, by using NRE," said Jisman. He cited examples of using solar energy and water to electrify these villages.

Jisman went on to explain the strategies to meet the 23% NRE target. "For example, PLTS (Solar Power Plant-red) have been programmed for ex-mines. We've discussed this point and most likely it will be included in the new RUPTL. There will also be many floating PLTS, already pioneered by 145 MWp in Cirata. We'll also use many dams as floating PLTS, we also have Sidrap PLTB (Wind Power Plant-red) expansion, Sukabumi, and so on."

He hopes the NRE programs discussed in the training are sustainable and offer an example for other programs. "This training is intended to make you prepare programs that are sustainable, not just euphoria," Jisman concluded. (IY)

Head of Bureau of Communication, Public Information Services, and Cooperation

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