Govt Takes Measures to Secure Energy Supply during Christmas-New Year Holidays

Thursday, 26 December 2019 - Dibaca 892 kali



NUMBER: 717.Pers/04/SJI/2019

Date: 26 December 2019

Govt Takes Measures to Secure Energy Supply during Christmas-New Year Holidays

The government through Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (EMR) takes a number of measures to secure energy supply during Christmas 2019 and New Year 2020 holidays. Minister of EMR Arifin Tasrif has in particular monitored the condition of electricity, oil fuels, LPG, and geology, and according to the Minister, everything has been anticipated very well by the National Command Post team of the EMR Sector.

"Our (Command Post) colleagues in the field have anticipated quite well, and I hope that PLN, PGN, and Pertamina can cooperate, collaborate, can give information to one other and coordinate," Arifin explained after a teleconference with field officers, held at BPH Migas office in Jakarta, Monday (23/12).

Head of Bureau of Communication, Public Information Services, and Cooperation of Ministry of EMR Agung Pribadi explains that reliable and safe supply of energy cannot be separated from the concrete steps taken by the government, for example by setting up a National Command Post of the EMR Sector.

"The Command Post has helped to control energy access services, to discover which services needs improvement," Agung affirmed in his office in Jakarta, Thursday (26/12). Agung continued by detailing the efforts to secure electricity supply, such as by increasing the alertness and the security of all generation network asset and not performing work/maintenance between H-7 and H+7 except when power failure occurs.

In addition, the government continues to improve the operational coordination between generation units and to strenghen transmission and distribution networks. The government has also set out the Standard Operation Procedures (SOP) for securing electricity supply and has prepared standby personnel to protect electricity supply 24/7 at each operational unit.

If there is a power failure that results in power deficit, mitigation steps will be immediately taken to make sure the social impacts on the public are minimum. "We will use Captive Power when an electricity system signals an alert," Agung said.

One day before Christmas 2019 (H-1), PLN's generation is safe, with installed capacity of 43,600.15 MW, peak load 34,656.53 MW, and reserve margin 8,943.62 MW.

For non-PLN generation, 11 out of the 27 business area holders in total have peak load of 1,542.14 MW, installed capacity 2,438.47 MW, and reserve margin 896.53 MW.

In order to supply oil fuels and LPG, the government is focusing on the monitoring of supply and distribution while it also coordinates with other relevant institutions to ensure safe and smooth distribution.

Fuels distribution on the day before (H-1) Christmas 2019 varies. For example, gasoline drops by 30.45% from normal days, namely gasoline RON 88 drops by 26.51%, gasoline RON 90 drops by 14.04%, gasoline RON 92 drops by 57.36%, and gasoline RON 95 drops by 37.99%. The opposite occurs with gasoil which picks up by 7.12%, namely solar CN 48 grows by 8.18%, solar CN 51 drops by 32.05%, and solar CN 53 drops by 14.95%.

Meanwhile, LPG sales to households on the basis of both Public Service Obligation (PSO) and Non-PSO are 25,780 metric ton from depot to LPG Refueling Station (SPPBE) and 25,580 from SPPBE to LPG agents. (IY)

Head of Bureau of Communication, Public Information Services, and Cooperation

Agung Pribadi (08112213555)

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