Date: 16 June 2020 The Only ASEAN Country in G20, Indonesia is Committed to Realizing Sustainable Economic Development

Tuesday, 16 June 2020 - Dibaca 3184 kali




NUMBER: 209.Pers/04/SJI/2020

Date: 16 June 2020

The Only ASEAN Country in G20, Indonesia is Committed to Realizing Sustainable Economic Development

As part of the G20 annual meeting in 2020 under the Presidency of Saudi Arabia, the government of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia invited all energy experts from G20 member economies to join a virtual meeting of the G20 Workshop on the Circular Carbon Economy (CCE) Guide on Sunday (14/6). Indonesia, the only ASEAN country which is a G20 member economy, was represented by Advisor to Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources for Strategic Planning, Yudo Dwinanda Priaadi.

The meeting was led by Mr. Fareed Alasaly (Chair of the Energy Sustainability Working Group) and Adam Sieminski (President of King Abdullah Petroleum Studies and Research Center--KAPSARC) and joined by G20 member economies, among others Australia, Japan, China, Turkey, Argentina, India, Indonesia, as well as several international organizations, among others International Energy Agency (IEA), International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), and Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).

The CCE is promoted/proposed by the government of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia as an approach to realize sustainable development which is based on taking actions to maintain environmental stability while ensuring access to clean and affordable energy for all. CCE is considered as an economy alternative observing the concept of 4R (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle and Remove) which has become the key issue of G20 in 2020.

Yudo Dwinanda Priaadi, G20 Permanent Delegate from Ministry of EMR, said in the meeting that Indonesia was committed to taking part in realizing sustainable economic development. "With the current global development, CCE is an important issue and a prerequisite to creation of sustainable global economy, where affordable and environmentally friendly supply of energy is a prerequisite. We've started to consider the four aspects of CCE from upstream to downstream energy sector through emission reduction, energy efficiency, and development of renewable energy, particularly the bioenergy which has become Indonesia's key policy ", affirmed Yudo.

Yudo went on to explain development in Indonesia's energy sector activities, among others the potential and development of the Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage (CCUS) project, namely by capturing CO2 emissions from gas fields to be later re-injected into oil fields in order to increase production, commonly known as Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR).

Yudo affirmed that renewable energy would also hold key to the future supply of fuels. Indonesia is currently recorded as the world's second largest producer of geothermal electricity with an installed capacity of 2.1 GW. In addition to adopting the policy of B30 (30% of diesel fuel which comes from palm-oil based biodiesel), Indonesia is preparing the construction of green refineries that will produce oil fuels for transportation using palm oil as base material. Indonesia has also mastered the technology for local catalyst resulting from the cooperation between PT Pertamina and ITB, and the catalyst has been tested at several refineries with co-processing system.

"Every country has made its own efforts to apply CCE, and the goal will be achieved a lot faster if G20 countries collaborate on a global level," Yudo concluded.

The meeting discussed technology development and innovations available for each 4R. The reports were written by several international organizations according to their own expertise to be distributed and informed to G20 member economies to encourage activities that can advance CCE. A number of economies gave their feedback on technological advances and hydrogen development, energy efficiency, bioenergy, and CCUS in relation to 4R.

G20 is a group of 20 largest economies in the world, consisting of 19 countries plus European Union. The main goal of G20 is to bring together leaders of the main developed and developing economies in the world to face global economic challenges and other issues that have become a common priority. Meanwhile, Indonesia's priority in G-20 in the EMR sector is increasing access to energy in Asia region. In 2020, the G20 forum is chaired by Saudi Arabia, while the CCE Guidelines will be officially published on

Head of Bureau of Communication, Public Information Services, and Cooperation

Agung Pribadi (08112213555)

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