Anticipating Higher Energy Consumption, Arifin Reminds Pertamina about Exploration

Tuesday, 26 November 2019 - Dibaca 1036 kali




NUMBER: 675.Pers/04/SJI/2019

Date: 26 November 2019

Anticipating Higher Energy Consumption, Arifin Reminds Pertamina about Exploration

Increasing demand for energy in the country and changes in energy business patterns in the future are the two concerns Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (EMR) Arifin Tasrif expresses at the Pertamina Energy Forum 2019 in Jakarta, Tuesday (26/11).

"Energy transition is in progress. Our focus is how to maintain economic growth in order to reduce poverty by providing access to clean energy," explained Arifin when he opened the Pertamina Energy Forum 2019.

However, Arifin continues, dependency on fossil energy indeed still occurs in Indonesia. "We cannot deny the fact that the role of oil and gas is still quite significant," he said.

Realizing this condition, Arifin encourages Pertamina as the fortress of red-plate companies to push exploration. "From now on, Pertamina must work harder to meet the targets from the government to increase oil and gas production and reserves," he added.

The government is currently preparing short-term and long-term schemes to optimize O&G production. For short term, Pertamina is expected to find partners in exploration activities, while for long term, the company is required to maintain production rate and to implement Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR).

Next, to boost fulfillment of domestic energy, the government is advancing the completion of 6 refinery development, namely 4 Refinery Development Master Plan (RDMP) and 2 Grass Root Refineries (GRR). "The development is projected to increase refinery capacity from about 1 million barrels per day to 1.9 million bpd," said Arifin.

If both schemes run on target, the government expects Pertamina to transforms into a world-class company. "As the backbone of national economy, it's only appropriate that (Pertamina) becomes an international, world-class company," Arifin ended. (IY)

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