Twelve Work Units of Energy Ministry Won Integrity Titles

Monday, 21 December 2020 - Dibaca 1308 kali




NUMBER: 345.Pers/04/SJI/2020

Date: 21 December 2020

Twelve Work Units of Energy Ministry Won Integrity Titles

Twelve work units within the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (EMR) received titles for Integrity Zones towards Corruption-Free Area (WBK) and Clean and Serving Bureaucracy Area (WBBM). The titles were presented by Minister of Administrative and Bureaucratic Reform (PANRB), Tjahjo Kumolo, to Head of Human Resource Development of Energy and Mineral Resources (BPSDM ESDM), Prahoro Yulijanto Nurtjahyo, on behalf of Minister of EMR Arifin Tasrif on Monday (21/12).

According to Prahoro, the success cannot be separated from Minister Arifin's instruction to continuously make bureaucratic reform through realistic improvement programs. Every echelon-1 official is tasked to directly lead and ensure that every aspect of bureaucratic reform takes place not only on paper but must also be enjoyed by the public directly in the form of better services.

"We can see the changes easily, for example in terms of digital service system. So, everything is done digitally, and we're going paperless as much as possible. So everything (services at Ministry of EMR), from registration to result announcement, is done without people's interaction. With the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic, this is also our effort to avoid physical meeting. The new system has enabled us to improve ourselves," Prahoro explained.

The Ministry of EMR has continued to make improvements, especially through service digitalization, to keep up with the changing times. Digitalization is a keyword of excellent public services.

"Times have changed; if we don't change, we'll be left behind," said Prahoro.

Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia K.H. Ma'ruf Amin who was present virtually at the event expressed his expectation that all civil servants accelerate and improve public services continuously and sustainably.

"Please offer the best innovations and new ways of working to answer the challenges of a dynamic society. State Civil Apparatus (ASN) at central ministries/agencies and regional governments must not be tired of realizing the Integrity Zone towards the WBK/WBBM," said Vice President.

This year, the Ministry of EMR put forward 17 work units for the WBK and 9 work units for the WBBM. After going through administrative evaluation, presentation, interview, and field verification, ten work units obtained the WBK titles and two work units the WBBM ones.

In total, the Ministry of EMR already has 17 work units with WBK titles and 2 work units with WBBM titles.

The twelve work units that won the WBK/WBBM titles are:

  1. Directorate of Downstream Oil and Gas Business Fostering
  2. Directorate of Electricity Business Fostering
  3. Directorate of Electricity Technique and Environment
  4. Directorate of Mineral and Coal State Revenue
  5. Directorate of Coal Business Fostering
  6. Directorate of Mineral Business Fostering
  7. Directorate of Mineral and Coal Technique and Environment
  8. Directorate of Various New and Renewable Energy
  9. Center for Groundwater and Environmental Geology
  10. Center for Marine Geology Research and Development
  11. Center for Oil and Gas Human Resource Development
  12. Energy and Mineral Polytechnics Akamigas

A WBK title is given to a work unit that meets most criteria of six reformation areas in the bureaucratic reform program and that has successfully prevented corruption, collusion, and nepotism. The six reformation areas are change management, good governance, human resource management system, effective supervision, and improved performance accountability.

Meanwhile, a WBBM title is given to a work unit that meets most criteria of six reformation areas in the bureaucratic reform program, has successfully prevented corruption, collusion, and nepotism, and can provide excellent services. The head of the work unit and his rank of officers must have made various internal organization improvements clearly, systematically, and sustainably. (IY)

Head of Bureau of Communication, Public Information Services, and Cooperation

Agung Pribadi (08112213555)

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