Towards B30 in 2020, Biodiesel Knowledge Increasingly Received by Students

Friday, 18 October 2019 - Dibaca 1436 kali




NUMBER: 623.Pers/04/SJI/2019

Dated: 18th October 2019

Towards B30 in 2020, Biodiesel Knowledge Increasingly Received by Students

The academic community, especially university students, supports and increasingly has better understanding about the plan to implement the B30 biodiesel policy to be carried out next year. This means that starting in early 2020, the use of palm oil composition (FAME) in biodiesel will grow to 30% from the current 20%.

Secretary General of the National Energy Council concurrently Acting Director General of Oil and Gas Djoko Siswanto explained that the readiness could not be separated from the results of B30 road tests for diesel-engine vehicles to be completed by the end of October.

"Back in 2008 the tests for FAME and diesel oil blends went well, we try to increase the tests to B30 which will be complete this October and to be carried out in 2020," said Djoko during the Biodiesel Goes To Campus agenda "Biodiesel Visits Bali" at the Postgraduate Building of Universitas Udayana Bali, Thursday (17/10).

The implementation of B30 policy, added Djoko, had a background in the high volume of diesel oil imports, while at the same time Indonesia have an abundance in oil palm. "Back then, most of the diesel oil was imported while at the same time Indonesia was the first or the second largest country in the world that produced palm oil. But now Indonesia is free from imports, be it kerosene, diesel oil, or later, even aviation fuels," said Djoko.

In the future, the government will implement B30 to all aspects of the transportation sector because B30 tests for trains and ships will also be carried out. "We'll try the same test to trains and ships," Djoko said.

The government has another reason in its campaign to extend biofuels usage, i.e. to substitute fossil fuels. The government realizes that the young generation plays a vital role to support the program. "This is the reason for this Biodiesel Goes To Campus agenda [because we want] to disseminate the use of clean energy," explained Djoko.

In addition, biodiesel is considered an environment friendly source of energy. "We are committed to the world, to make a world that is clean, healthy, and with no global warming as decided by COP 21 in Paris," stressed Djoko.

Biodiesel Goes To Campus is a series of campaigns specifically addressed to young people with an aim to introduce biofuels as fossil fuels substitute. The campaigns involve the Indonesian Oil-Palm Estate Fund (BPDP-KS). Universitas Udayana closes the Biodiesel Goes To Campus after the same program was carried out at Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Yogyakarta and Universitas Indonesia. (IY)

Head of Bureau of Communication, Public Information Services, and Cooperation

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