The Most Beautiful SPBU is in Lembata

Saturday, 12 October 2019 - Dibaca 2225 kali




NUMBER: 607.Pers/04/SJI/2019

Dated: 12th October 2019

The Most Beautiful SPBU is in Lembata

A soft, sea breeze came off as ruddy dusk was falling. Groups of small islands in Flores Sea that emerge at perfect spots added the exotism of the blue ocean in sight. Dashing mountain range surrounding Balauring Bay helped to radiate nature's modesty.

Such perfect twinge of twilight was seen from the Fuels Station (SPBU) Kompak 56.862.03 in Omesuri Subdistrict, Lembata Regency, East Nusa Tenggara Province that had just officially been launched by Minister of EMR Ignasius Jonan, Friday (11/10).

Directly facing Flores Sea, on a hill above Balauring Bay, the SPBU overlooks Balauring Village which is the capital of the subdistrict. The village is located at the tip of an area sticking out to the sea, displaying a look typical of a fishing village with dozens of boats floating on the sea.

It is no wonder Minister Jonan called the site of Omesuri SPBU as having the most beautiful scenery. "It is only appropriate to choose this location to close the official launch of 13 spots of One-Price Fuels in 2019, because this SPBU has the most beautiful scenery," said Jonan at the launch of the SPBU that stole the spotlight.

Omesuri is a subdistrict in Lembata that offers extraordinary natural attraction with its background of Flores Sea and three iconic mountains of Lembata, namely Ile Lewotolok, Ile Batutara, and Ile Werung, surrounding it.

"This SPBU is expected to boost other sectors, for example tourism, that we have tried to develop in Lembata," said Eliaser Yentji Sunur, the regent who put forward the idea of the first 2 SPBUs in Lembata.

As of 11th October 2019, the Omesuri SPBU has started to operate as a One-Price Fuels SPBU, one of the 170 distribution points in 3T (Outermost, Frontline, and Disadvantaged) regions selling fuels at the same price with those in other regions in Indonesia, i.e. Rp 6,450 for Premium and Rp 5,150 for Biosolar. (KO)

Head of Bureau of Communication, Public Information Services, and Cooperation

Agung Pribadi (08112213555)

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