Smart Grids in Place for Energy Mix Target

Thursday, 24 September 2020 - Dibaca 1548 kali




NUMBER: 287.Pers/04/SJI/2020

Date: 24 September 2020

Smart Grids in Place for Energy Mix Target

The Indonesian government has set a target of 23% of new, renewable energy in the national energy mix by 2025. The use of smart grids--intelligent electricity networks--as mandated by Presidential Regulation Number 18 of 2020 on National Mid-Term Development Plan of 2020-2024 is considered as a feasible solution. This statement was made by Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (EMR), Arifin Tasrif, when opening a virtual international conference held by State Electricity Company PLN on Wednesday (23/9).

"The use of smart grids can raise the penetration of new, renewable energy plants, especially Variable Renewable Energy (VRE), in the power grids," said Mr. Tasrif.

The development of smart grids, continued Mr. Tasrif, can improve the efficiency, quality and reliability of power grids, and thus, reduce or even prevent blackouts, ensuring better access to network and speeding up interruption recovery process.

In addition, smart grids can reduce distribution losses and be used to develop distributed generation. Another no less important benefit is that smart grids boost the integration of renewable energy on a large scale and can lower electricity tariffs by controlling peak loads.

Mr. Tasrif explained that the development of first phase smart grids in Java Island has been carried out, for example in Jakarta at Digital Substation Sepatan II, Digital Substation Teluk Naga II, Reliability Efficiency Optimization Center, Platform E-mobility Electric Vehicle Charging Station, and Advance Metering Infrastructure; in Surabaya through Remote Engineering, Monitoring, Diagnostic and Optimization Center.

Development of smart grids outside Java island has also been implemented in Selayar, Medang, and Semau islands; Tahuna city, Bali Eco Smart Grid-Lora, Smart Micro Grid-Sumba Green Island.

"Of course, all these programs will continue so that Indonesia can fully realize electrification target, which can be enjoyed by all people," said Mr. Tasrif.

Smart grids allow customers' participation in electricity supply based on local energy sources. Smart grids can integrate any actions or activities by all users, from generation to consumption, with the aim of providing efficient, continuous, economical, and safe supply of electricity. (IY)

Head of Bureau of Communication, Public Information Services, and Cooperation

Agung Pribadi (08112213555)

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