Menteri ESDM Sebut 3 Hal Ini Kunci Ketenagalistrikan Tangguh

Thursday, 29 October 2020 - Dibaca 1032 kali




NUMBER: 325.Pers/04/SJI/2020

Date: 29 October 2020

Minister of Energy Speaks of Three Keys to A Strong Electricity System

Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (EMR) Arifin Tasrif said that to realize a strong electricity system, it required locality of energy, flexible power plants, and more interconnection systems.

Arifin admitted that due to economic limitations and geographical conditions, a centralized electricity distribution system could not reach all regions in Indonesia. "By utilizing local sources of renewable energy available in each region, microgrids can serve as a solution to creating self-reliance for remote and frontier areas," said Arifin at the 2nd Global Ministerial Conference on System Integration of Renewable, which was held virtually on Tuesday (27/10).

Arifin went on to explain that microgrids had been designed to bring network flexibility and data processing capacity. Flexibility is achieved through a combination of various sources of renewable energy, such as solar and wind, with batteries and diesel generators connected to a central grid. "More importantly, microgrids are also in line with the government's target to reduce carbon emissions and increase the share in renewable energy use," he said.

To achieve these targets of reducing carbon emissions and increasing the share in renewable energy use, said Arifin, various regulations had been implemented along with research and development activities. Indonesia has also been trying to apply smarter methods in the energy business, so that the national energy industry is ready to compete in the global market of industry 4.0.

Currently, Indonesia has a total potential for renewable energy of more than 400 GW, but only tiny 10 GW has been utilized. To increase the share of Variable Renewable Energy (VRE) in the electricity system, the government has started to incorporate floating solar PV with existing hydro power plants to mitigate the intermittency nature of PV power plants.

The first project to be developed is the Floating Solar Power Plant at Cirata Hydropower Plant in West Java Province, which is implemented with the support of International Energy Agency. In addition, the government has also tried to adopt thermal power flexibility technology in steam power plants to respond to VRE fluctuations and climate forecasts. (IY)

Head of Bureau of Communication, Public Information Services, and Cooperation

Agung Pribadi (08112213555)

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