Initiating Renewables-Based Rural Economic Development, Indonesian Company Won Energy Globe Awards 2020

Friday, 4 September 2020 - Dibaca 1034 kali




NUMBER: 270.Pers/04/SJI/2020

Date: 4 September 2020

Initiating Renewables-Based Rural Economic Development, Indonesian Company Won Energy Globe Awards 2020

Indonesia successfully won an international Energy Globe Award 2020 through PT Inovasi Dinamika Pratama, a company which runs a business in the renewable energy. The success cannot be separated from programs created by the company in developing renewables-based sustainable rural economies.

This prestigious appreciation is directly linked to the efforts made by PT Inovasi Dinamika Pratama in providing renewables-based infrastructure services to 50 rural communities in remote regions in Indonesia in 2019. The company's efforts have improved the local communities' economy.

Head of Bureau of Communication, Public Information Services, and Cooperation of Ministry of EMR Agung Pribadi expressed the Ministry's appreciation for the achievement. "We appreciate the efforts of many parties, including PT Inovasi Pratama, in supporting the government policy to accelerate the renewables development and electrification ratio," said Agung in Jakarta on Friday (4/9).

The government, continued Agung, welcomes any stakeholders who want to support the government realize 23% renewables mix in 2023 and 100% electrification ratio at the end of 2020. "Hopefully, PT Inovasi's achievement can encourage us and the communities in optimizing the renewables as energy source in the future, especially in non-electrified areas," he said.

The company, which was founded by Andre Susanto in 2016, is running five projects that focus on the application of smart micro-grid at three schools and solar-powered water pumps at one village, all located in remote areas. Besides, the company trains the locals to operate mini-grid solar photovoltaic power plants.

PT Inovasi Dinamika Pratama develops its empowerment models with the approach of community's real needs. "Renewables-based technologies are projected to stimulate the local people's economic activities from the increase in community-based daily income," as quoted from the Energy Globe Award's official homepage.

This action also supports the government's effort to accelerate the electrification program at 2,500 remote villages with limited access to reliable electricity access due to high energy costs. "The innovation had identified over 500 remote villages before it continued the project," explained the Energy Globe.

PT Inovasi Dinamika Pratama aims at renewables-based technologies to change the lifestyle of remote communities. "Empowering the communities through innovative technologies is a means to ensure that these communities will continue to use technology as part of their new customs. Sustainable development will encourage people to continue using the technologies that we introduce," stated PT Inovasi Dinamika Pratama in the company's official homepage.

The International Globe Award was pioneered by Austrian citizen Wolfgang Neumann in 1999 and is currently one of the most prestigious environmental awards. The award is presented to sustainable projects that have successfully been implemented in the society.

Around 20,000 projects have been submitted to the jury of the Energy Globe Award during the award's 20 years of existence. For 2020 alone, 187 countries took part in the competition. (IY)

Head of Bureau of Communication, Public Information Services, and Cooperation

Agung Pribadi (08112213555)

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