Indonesia’s Clean Energy Projects Rolled Out at CEM 11

Wednesday, 23 September 2020 - Dibaca 1172 kali




NUMBER: 284.Pers/04/SJI/2020

Date: 23 September 2020

Indonesia's Clean Energy Projects Rolled Out at CEM 11

Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (EMR) Arifin Tasrif attended the 11th Clean Energy Ministerial Meeting (CEM11) and the 5th Mission Innovation (MI-5) Ministerial Meeting. In these virtual international meetings, Minister Tasrif detailed the strategic measures that Indonesia had taken in utilizing clean energy.

Indonesia, said Mr. Tasrif, has a huge amount of renewable energy. With renewable energy potential of up to 400 Giga Watts (GW), regulating the supply and use of energy is essential.

"We have a substantial amount of renewable energy potential, reaching 400 GW. Therefore, it is essential that we regulate the energy utilization system. We've made strategic measures to regulate (utilization of) energy," said Mr. Tasrif on Tuesday (22/9).

The first measure is to optimize the use of domestic energy sources, particularly to promote the use of renewable energy. An example of this measure is replacing diesel power plants with those fueled by clean energy sources such as gas and renewable energy.

"PT PLN is launching a program to convert diesel power plants to renewable energy power plants with a total capacity of 2 GW at over 2,000 locations across the country," said Mr. Tasrif.

The second measure, continued Mr. Tasrif, is implementing energy efficiency on both the supply and the demand sides. Efficiency is implemented by boosting the realization of energy efficiency targets in buildings and industries.

Next, said Mr. Tasrif, Indonesia optimizes the use of renewable energy to raise the electrification ratio from 84.3 percent to 98.8 percent, especially to support the electrification program in outermost and remote regions.

"We are currently constructing the largest floating solar power plant (PLTS) in Cirata, West Java Province, with a capacity of 145 Megawatts (MW). This project will significantly increase the energy mix in the Java-Bali Grid," he explained.

In addition, Indonesia introduces a number of breakthroughs to reduce emissions from coal-fired power plants. "We also promote the use of clean coal technology and biomass co-firing with coal to reduce emissions," he added.

Indonesia has gigantic resources of biomass--from forests, agriculture, and waste--all are crucial alternatives to fossil energy resources.

By developing biofuels, Indonesia has gradually reduced the use of fossil energy resources with biodiesel. In fact, Indonesia has built the so-called green refineries to maximize the potential of its oil palm.

Mr. Tasrif further confirmed that Indonesia, together with CEM member countries, is ready to participate in the Biofuture Platform Initiative in Accelerating the Transition to a Sustainable Low-Carbon Bioeconomy, by promoting the use of bioenergy potential in Indonesia.

To support the global commitment to reducing emissions, Indonesia has targeted 23% of renewable energy in the country's energy mix by 2025. Indonesia is also committed to reducing emissions by 29% by 2030 and by 41% according to mitigation scenario.

"To meet this ambitious target, the Government of Indonesia needs the support and assistance from our colleagues across the globe," he said.

At the same time, to intensify investment in renewable energy, Indonesia is preparing tariff policies to attract renewable energy investors and conducting a Government Drilling program to help developers carry out geothermal exploration.

To conclude, Minister Tasrif underlined that Indonesia is committed to the global collaboration in supporting the recovery of world's economy.

"Indonesia highly appreciates the cooperation of CEM members. The Covid-19 pandemic should give us the momentum to promote clean energy, renewable energy, and energy efficiency. We are committed to the collaboration that supports the recovery of world's economy, mitigates the impacts of the pandemic, and accelerates the global transition to clean energy," Minister Tasrif concluded. (IY)

Head of Bureau of Communication, Public Information Services, and Cooperation

Agung Pribadi (08112213555)

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