Groundwater and Future of Jakarta

Tuesday, 15 October 2019 - Dibaca 2108 kali




NUMBER: 614.Pers/04/SJI/2019

Date: October 15th 2019

Groundwater and Future of Jakarta

  1. Ignasius Jonan, The Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (EMR), and Rudy Suhendar, Head of Geology disseminated the condition of groundwater in Jakarta on Tuesday (15/10).
  2. This should be a part of Jakarta groundwater rescue campaign series held in car free day Jakarta on Sunday (14/10).
  3. The needs of clean water in Jakarta is estimated around 846 m3 a year. Meanwhile, the Indonesian regional water utility company services are only 62% from total, so that the rest of needs must take from groundwater.
  4. A huge amount of consuming groundwater in Jakarta leads to down level of underground water, landsubsidence, and saltwater intrusion, especially in north Jakarta.
  5. The deepest surface of groundwater recorded in 2013 at Jakarta Groundwater Basin is about 40 meters above mean sea level (masl)
  6. Meanwhile in 2018, there is a positive change around -35 masl, the lowest level of Groundwater Basin in North Jakarta. The highest decline speed of groundwater surface measured by GPS Geodetic is 12 cm/year in Ancol, North Jakarta.
  7. Another factors are a natural soil compaction, pressure of building, and geotectonic.
  8. The Ministry of EMR through Groundwater Conservation Center, Geological Agency, cooperated with Jakarta Government to curb the taking of groundwater and supervise groundwater user not meeting regulation.
  9. This effort indicated positive results, shown by the increase of groundwater level position in some areas at Groundwater Basin North Jakarta. For example, in the area of Pulogadung, groundwater surface is -22,46 masl in 2016 then reported increasing around 2,45 masl in 2019, and recently is about -20,01 masl.
  10. Groundwater quality monitoring to 277 well points, consisting of dug wells, drilled wells, production wells, and mitigation wells showed aquifer pressed to 40-140 meters depth had a better quality of groundwater compared to unpressed aquifer (0-40 meters depth).
  11. Groundwater Conservation Center tested infiltration in 70 measurement points to investigate the speed of rainwater could be absorbed by the soil. From the testing, it can be concluded the speed of infiltration in Jakarta Groundwater Basin area is around 7,18 x 10-5 to 1,72 x 10-2 cm/second in average to low speed. (NA)

Head of Bureau of Communication, Public Information Services, and Cooperation

Agung Pribadi (08112213555)

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