Govt to Speed Up EV Infrastructure Construction

Sunday, 4 October 2020 - Dibaca 1776 kali




NUMBER: 289.Pers/04/SJI/2020

Date: 4 October 2020

Govt to Speed Up EV Infrastructure Construction

The government is making efforts to speed up the construction of electric vehicles (EV) infrastructure through the synergy between state ministries/agencies and regional governments. This is done to guarantee energy availability for users. Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (EMR) has formulated several policies, especially on charging station infrastructure, that business actors are expected to participate in creating an EV community because incentives will be provided.

"Initially, the Battery Electric Vehicle Program would be carried out in stages, but the government has finally decided to speed up the program to support the transportation sector in Indonesia," said Director of Electricity Technique and Environment of Ministry of EMR, Wanhar, on Wednesday (29/9), in a talk show held by Kantor Berita Radio (KBR) radio news agency via YouTube live streaming and Zoom.

Wanhar continued that Minister of EMR issued EMR Ministerial Regulation Number 13 of 2020 on Provision of Infrastructure of Charging Stations for Battery-Powered Electric Vehicles for Road Transportation. The regulation sets out rules about Public Charging Stations (SPKLU) and Public Battery Replacement Stations (SPBKLU) for EVs including public and private charging stations at showrooms, private companies, and households.

The talk show which was titled Policies on Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure was held to introduce the EV program. It also discussed the importance of sufficient charging station infrastructure to support Indonesia's EV program.

Wanhar said that according to the National Energy Master Plan (RUEN), the government has targeted the production of 2,200 electric cars and 2.13 million electric motorcycles by 2025. These figures will be scaled up to 4.2 million electric cars and 13.3 million electric motorcycles by 2050. In the same RUEN, the government has also targeted the construction of 1,000 charging stations by 2025 and 10,000 by 2050.

"The government has a road map with PT PLN (Persero) of meeting the target of 180 charging stations across Indonesia in 2020, both SPKLU and SPBKLU. By 2025, the government has planned the construction of 2,465 charging stations," Wanhar explained. He also said that some adjustments have been made to the target due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Recently, a total of 62 charging stations has been built, belonging to PLN, BPPT, Pertamina, and private companies.

Finally, Wanhar said that electric vehicles are environmentally friendly. "Let's change to electric vehicles. Our air quality will be better, transportation cost cheaper, and for road transportation, the infrastructure will be sufficient," Wanhar concluded. (IY)

Head of Bureau of Communication, Public Information Services, and Cooperation

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