Gas Converter Kits Distributed to Farmers in Banyumas Regency

Monday, 23 November 2020 - Dibaca 918 kali




NUMBER: 360.Pers/04/SJI/2020

Date: 23 November 2020

Gas Converter Kits Distributed to Farmers in Banyumas Regency

The distribution of starter kits in the Conversion Program of Oil Fuels to Gas Fuel for Target Farmers in 2020 has been completed. The final batch of 223 water pump units was distributed to farmers in 23 sub-regencies in Banyumas Regency, Central Java Province on Friday (20/11).

"In this 2020, for the first time, Banyumas Regency was selected as a target area for the Conversion Program of Oil Fuels to Gas Fuel for Target Farmers with 223 starter kits distributed," said Secretary of Directorate General of Oil and Gas of Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (EMR), Iwan Prasetya Adhi, at a symbolic handover ceremony held at the Agriculture and Food Security Services Office of Banyumas Regency.

Also attending the handover were Chair of Commission VII of DPR RI (House of Representatives of Republic of Indonesia) Sugeng Suparwoto, Deputy Regent of Banyumas Sadewo Tri Lastiono, Head of Banyumas Regency Agriculture Service Office Widarso, representatives of PT Pertamina, and representatives of the farmers receiving the kits.

Iwan hopes that the target farmers will be able to use and maintain the kits well, and not sell them because the kits are government aid. "Usually, a (financial) critical period is before new academic year. Please don't sell them. I hope the aid can make a beneficial impact on farmers' economy by reducing operational costs by up to 50%," said Iwan.

This program is an implementation of Presidential Decree Number 38 of 2019 on the Provision, Distribution, and Pricing of LPG for Fishing Vessels of Target Fishermen and Water Pumps of Target Farmers. In 2019, as many as 1,000 kits were distributed, while in 2020, a total of 10,000 conversion kits have been distributed in 24 regencies/cities. "In 2021, a total of 28,000 starter kits will be distributed," added Iwan.

Chair of Commission VII of DPR RI, Sugeng Suparwoto, said a similar message. Besides saving the cost for fuel, the use of LPG is also more environmentally friendly. This is in line with the world's demands for a clean environment. "Although natural gas is also fossil energy, it is cleaner than gasoline," he explained.

Sugeng continued by saying that 1 cylinder of LPG is equivalent in use to 5 liters of oil fuels. Moreover, a gas engine is easier to maintain. If the pump engine needs repair or fixing, the government has also provided after-sales service.

To ensure LPG availability, Sugeng said he would check the supply at SPBBE (LPG Bulk Filling and Transportation Stations), agents, and retailers.

Speaking on behalf of the people of Banyumas Regency, Deputy Regent of Banyumas, Sadewo Tri Lastiono, expressed his gratitude for the government aid. "Thank you very much. We hope in the future the central government will still give attention and aid through many strategic programs," said Dewo, Sadewo's nickname.

Not all farmers can get the aid. To be eligible, they must meet a number of criteria. For example, a farmer must own farmland with a maximum size of 0.5 hectares. For a transmigration farmer, the maximum size is 2 hectares of farmland. Next, they must be able to show the land title as well as recommendation of farmer's identity proposed by head of village/sub-regency, and approved by the regent and/or head of the regency agriculture service office.

In addition, they must have KTP (Indonesia Citizen's ID Card), KK (family card) and Kartu Tani (farmer's card). They also must have a water pump with engine power less than 6.5 HP and the pump is gasoline-powered. Finally, they have never received similar aid (a water pump machine). (IY)

Head of Bureau of Communication, Public Information Services, and Cooperation

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