Distribution of LPG Converter Kits under Health Protocol

Saturday, 3 October 2020 - Dibaca 789 kali




NUMBER: 287.Pers/04/SJI/2020

Date: 3 October 2020

Distribution of LPG Converter Kits under Health Protocol

Distribution of LPG Converter Kits for Target Fishermen of 2020 will soon be realized. On Thursday (1/10), Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (EMR) through Directorate General of Oil and Gas held a meeting in Yogyakarta discussing the Plan to Distribute LPG Conversion Packages for Target Fishermen of 2020. Due to the pandemic, the distribution process is regulated as well as possible by applying strict health protocol to prevent the spread of the Covid-19.

Secretary General of Ministry of EMR who is concurrently Acting Director General of Oil and Gas Ego Syahrial said the number of fishermen to be given converter kits would be limited to around 60 people per day per distribution site. The distribution will be divided into two sessions, so there will only be 30 fishermen per session. "We have to ensure that the distribution of LPG Converter Kits for Target Fishermen complies with the health protocol to prevent the spread of the Covid-19, for example wearing a mask, maintaining safe physical distance, and running a body temperature check on the fishermen," said Mr. Syahrial via a virtual message.

Irine Yulianingsih, the Commitment-Making Officer, further explained that if an applicant fisherman cannot come to the distribution site in person, he can delegate his right to a family member whose name is listed in the Family Card (KK). The delegate must bring along complete documents including a letter of attorney and citizen's ID card (KTP), KUSUKA Card of the principal, registration certificate of the boat, and the old machine of the boat. Additionally, every person present at the distribution site must keep a minimum distance of 1 meter between each other and always wear a mask.

The Conversion Program to LPG for Target Fishermen is one of the government's efforts to diversify energy, namely by providing an energy alternative that is easy to use, more environmentally friendly, and one that people is familiar with.

The LPG converter package is made up of several components, including engine, converter kit, 2 pieces of 3-kg LPG cylinder, long axles, propeller, and other supporting accessories (reducer, regulator, mixer, etc.). The use of LPG to fuel fishing boats can potentially save operation cost so that it will be more economical for fishermen. Using LPG to fuel a boat can save the operation cost by 30%-50%, while machine maintenance is easier. Besides, the use of LPG can reduce consumption of subsidized oil fuels and emission of carbon monoxide gas.

"Indeed, the distribution of converter kits in the middle of the Covid-19 pandemic is not easy because we have to adjust a lot of things. However, the spirit to give the best to the community, especially fishermen, remains high," Mr. Syahrial concluded. (IY)

Head of Bureau of Communication, Public Information Services, and Cooperation

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