Complete, 170 Distribution Points of One-Price Fuels Present in the Archipelago

Friday, 11 October 2019 - Dibaca 2569 kali




NUMBER: 605.Pers/04/SJI/2019

Dated: 11th October 2019

Complete, 170 Distribution Points of One-Piece Fuels Present in the Archipelago

To provide reliable and affordable access to energy in an effort to realize social welfare for all Indonesians, the Government has presented the One-Price Fuels program in the outermost, frontline, and disadvantaged (3T) areas in Indonesia, which on Friday (11/10) has been operated in 170 selling points. Currently, these 170 distribution points sell fuels at the same price with those in other regions in Indonesia, Rp 6,450 for Premium and Rp 5,150 for Biosolar.

The operation of the 170 distribution points of One-Price Fuels was marked with an official launch of 13 distribution points by Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Ignasius Jonan, centered at SPBU Kompak 56.862.03 in Omesuri Subdistrict, Lembata Regency, East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) Province.

"Today, we launched the final 13 selling points in 2019, so in total, between 2017-2019, we have built 170 distribution points of One-Price Fuels. I have reported to the President that in the future, if possible, the program should be continued to another 500 points by 2024," said Minister Jonan in his speech.

Jonan added that the One-Price Fuels SPBU in the future might be scaled up to become a commercial SPBU, by selling more than just subsidized fuels. "In the future, (these SPBU) can also sell other fuels types such as Pertalite, Dexlite, and so on," Jonan said.

Jonan also said that the location of Omesuri SPBU was very appropriately chosen to close the launch of 13 selling points of One-Price Fuels in 2019 because the Minister thought the SPBU, which directly faces Bala Uring Bay of Lembata Island, is the SPBU with the most beautiful scenery. "It's very appropriate to choose this location, because this SPBU has the most beautiful scenery," said Jonan as he closed his speech.

On the same occasion, Head of BPH Migas Fanshurullah Asa reported that based on an assignment to BPH Migas, between 2017 and 2019 there have been 170 distributors of One-Price Fuels, with 160 distributors developed by PT Pertamina (Persero) and 10 distributors by PT AKR Corporindo, Tbk. Those 170 distributors are located in throughout Indonesia, namely Sumatra 31 distributors, Java 3 distributors, Kalimantan 42, Bali 2, Nusa Tenggara 25, Sulawesi 17, and Maluku-Papua 50 distributors.

Lembata Regent, Eliaser Yentji Sunur, said that the 2 One-Price Fuels SPBU's in Kabupaten Lembata (Omesuri and Nubatukan Subdistricts) has helped to meet the fuels need of the Lembata people. "Previously, we had 1 APMS only. With an additional 2 SPBU's, we hope One-Price Fuels can be enjoyed by not only people living near the distribution point but also those living in other villages through subdistributors, so fuels that previously were sold at Rp 10,000 to Rp 30,000 can now be sold under Rp 10,000 (at subdistributors)," added Eliaser.

The One-Price Fuels policy offers many benefits. In addition to realizing economic self-reliance by activating domestic economic sectors, the saving that results from reduced expenses on fuels is expected to be followed by reduced prices of staple foodstuffs. The One-Price Fuels policy will also bring about positive impacts on the economy and will increase people's quality of life and welfare.

The One-Price Fuels distributors launched today are located in 6 provinces, as follows:

A. NTT Province, 6 distributors:

1. Omesuri Subdistrict, Lembata Regency;

2. Nubatukan Subdistrict, Lembata Regency;

3. Wolowaru Subdistrict, Ende Regency;

4. Ruteng Subdistrict, Manggarai Regency;

5. North Kodi Subdistrict, Southwest Sumba Regency;

6. Northeast Alor Subdistrict, Alor Regency;

B. West Papua Province, 3 distributors:

7. Kokoda Subdistrict, South Sorong Regency;

8. Salkma Subdistrict, South Sorong Regency;

9. Moraid Subdistrict, Tambrauw Regency;

C. NTB Province, 1 distributor:

10. Sekotong Subdistrict, West Lombok Regency.

D. Central Kalimantan Province, 1 distributor:

11. Delang Subdistrict, Lamandau Regency;

E. North Maluku Province, 1 distributor:

12. South Morotai Subdistrict, Morotai Island Regency;

F. South Kalimantan Province, 1 distributor:

13. Kalumpang Subdistrict, South Hulu Sungai Regency (KO)

Head of Bureau of Communication, Public Information Services, and Cooperation

Agung Pribadi (08112213555)

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