Asset Reporting is a Form of Corruption Prevention, Says Energy Minister

Wednesday, 23 December 2020 - Dibaca 797 kali



NUMBER: 349.Pers/04/SJI/2019

Date: 23 December 2020

Asset Reporting is a Form of Corruption Prevention, Says Energy Minister

Mandatory Asset Reporting (LHKPN) is a form of corruption prevention within the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (EMR), Minister of EMR Arifin Tasrif has said. "Therefore, those of us who are required to report our asset must maintain and instill discipline for reporting. This way, reporting will become a culture which is in line with one of our organization values, namely honesty," continued Minister Arifin.

The statement was made by Minister Arifin when he opened the Dissemination of Regulation of Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Number 02 of 2020 in Jakarta on Wednesday (23/12). The event was held online and attended by civil servants of Ministry of EMR, Downstream Oil and Gas Regulatory Agency (BPH Migas), Special Task Force for Upstream Oil and Gas Business (SKK Migas), and the Aceh Oil and Gas Management Agency (BPMA).

Arifin hopes that after the dissemination, civil servants who are required to report LHKPN will submit their report on time and in full.

Speaking earlier, Secretary General of Ministry of EMR Ego Syahrial said the Dissemination of KPK Regulation Number 02 of 2020 on Amendment to KPK Regulation Number 07 of 2016 on Procedures for Registration, Announcement, and Examination of State Administrators' Asset has been held to provide an understanding of the changes in system and procedures for filling out the LHKPN. It is also part of a series of events to commemorate the 2020 International Anti-Corruption Day which peak event in Indonesia had been held on 16 December.

Similar to Minister of EMR, Ego requested all state administrators who are required to report the LHKPN to submit their report on time.

The resource person in the event was Director of Registration and Examination of State Administrators' Asset Report of the KPK, Isnaini. He said that state administrators must report and announce their asset as well as allow their asset to be examined before, during, and after their term of office. This is a mandate of Law Number 28 of 1999 on Good Governance which is Free from Corruption, Collusion, and Nepotism, continued Isnaini.

"This provision is actually aimed at creating government officials who are capable of fulfiiling their duties and functions in a serious and responsible manner and who avoid corrupt practices that can harm our nation and country," Isnaini said.

The Ministry of EMR has been recognized to make fine achievements in the National Strategy for Corruption Prevention (Stranas PK). In 2017 and 2018, the KPK awarded the Ministry with Best e-LHKPN Implementation, while in 2019, Best Management of the LHKPN on the national level.

As of 31 October 2020, the KPK had received 2,756 LHKPN reports for year 2019 from civil servants of the Ministry of EMR. The anti-graft body had verified that all LHKPN reports are complete. (IY)

Head of Bureau of Communication, Public Information Services, and Cooperation

Agung Pribadi (081122135)

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