345 Converter Kits Distributed to Bandar Lampung Fishermen

Friday, 8 November 2019 - Dibaca 963 kali




NUMBER: 648.Pers/04/SJI/2019

Date: 8 November 2019

345 Converter Kits Distributed to Bandar Lampung Fishermen

Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (EMR) again distribute converter kits for 3 kg Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) to artisanal fishermen. This time, as many as 345 packages of converter kits in 2019 are distributed to the fishermen of Bandar Lampung.

Director of Oil and Gas Infrastructure Planning and Development Alimuddin Baso says the Conversion of Oil Fuels to Gas Fuel for Fishing Boats of Targeted Fishermen will create clean energy and reduce oil fuels usage.

"LPG gives clean energy and reduce consumption of oil fuels," said Alimuddin when he handed over the converter kit packages at Lempasing Fish Auction Market, Bandar Lampung City, Thursday (7/11).

The use of converter kit, explained Alimuddin, can save operation cost of LPG usage of up to 30%, assuming no subsidies are provided. Assuming that subsidies for gasoline or LPG are provided, saving may reach as high as 50%.

These starter kits of Oil to Gas Fuels converters consist of several components, namely machine, converter kit, long shaft, propeller, 2 cylinders of 3 kg LPG, and other auxiliary accessories (reducer, regulator, mixer, etc.).

Fishermen who can receive the starter kits are those who have a fishing boat with a size less than 5 Gross Tonnage (GT) and engine power below 13 Horse Power (HP).

Overall, the program is aimed to reduce the use of oil fuels, maintain people's purchasing power of gas fuel in order to reduce fishing costs, and eventually increase people's welfare.

Distribution of converter kits for targeted fishermen has been carried out by the Government since 2016. Until 2018, the Government had distributed 47,554 units of converter kits at 73 regencies/cities, and in 2019 as many as 13,305 units will be distributed in 38 regencies/cities. For 2020, the Government plans to distribute 40,000 units in 26 provinces. (IY)

Head of Bureau of Communication, Public Information Services, and Cooperation

Agung Pribadi (081122135)

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