Good Air Conditioning can Prevent Covid-19 from Spreading

Wednesday, 22 July 2020 - Dibaca 1488 kali




NUMBER: 256.Pers/04/SJI/2020

Good Air Conditioning can Prevent Covid-19 from Spreading

Center for Human Resource Development of Electricity, New, Renewable Energy and Energy Conservation (PPSDM KEBTKE) held a webinar titled "The Role of Air Conditioning System in Preventing the Transmission of Covid-19" via video conference application and social media.

According to Head of Human Resource Development of Energy and Mineral Resources (BPSDM ESDM) IGN Wiratmaja Puja, an air conditioning system is important for people working in enclosed areas and high-rise buildings because it can prevent the transmission of the Corona Virus Disease 2019 (Covid-19).

"As the WHO (World Health Organization) has declared, the Covid-19 can spread through the air. This webinar's topic is very relevant, especially for us who work in high-rise buildings in big cities, and these buildings uses integrated air conditioning systems," said Wiratmaja on Wednesday (22/7).

Additionally, said Wiratmaja, the Ministry of EMR has continued to promote energy conservation and the use of New, Renewable Energy (NRE) at every building in Indonesia, because the use of NRE will indirectly make people healthier and happier.

"Why do we promote the use of renewable energy? If we look at the happiest countries in the world, they have an energy mix (from NRE) of 50 percent on average, while Indonesia's use of NRE, according to the 2019 data, is only 9.15%; for this reason, we'll continue to promote NRE with various efforts, for example by issuing various regulations to scale up the use of renewable energy," he explained.

"Of about 180 countries, Indonesia ranked 84th in terms of happiness; I hope in the future Indonesia will become a country that uses more renewable energy, which is more natural and in harmony with the nature, and so the people will be healthier and happier," Wiratmaja said.

In line with Wiratmaja, core founder of the Green Building Council Indonesia, John Budi Harjanto Listiyono, believes that a building's good air conditioning systems and air circulation are crucial in preventing the transmission of Covid-19.

"The role of air conditioning system, wearing face masks, and keeping physical distance when meeting people are crucial factors in preventing the transmission of Covid-19, because the virus may potentially be airborne (spread by the air) in enclosed room with Air Conditioners, such as homes, vehicles, and rooms in commercial buildings. These types of rooms allow transmission through the air and in aerosols and not just in droplets or splashes, particularly because the air is rotating from the push of the AC blowers; thus, good air conditioning offers healthy air circulation," Listiyono explained.

Meanwhile, Dean of Faculty of Medicine of Universitas Indonesia Ari Fahrial Syam said that Covid-19 infects human lungs, while air flows to all body cells; thus infectious lungs can infect other body organs. The most common symptoms of a person infected with Covid-19 are fever (80%) and cough (67%), other symptoms include flu, shortness of breath, and less common symptoms.

"Covid-19 is the Great Imitator, meaning that there are many less common symptoms such as abdominal pain and diarrhea. Many Covid-19 patients have diarrhea as an initial symptom and no symptoms of respiratory disorders," Syam added. (IY)

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