Use of Bioavtur Shows Indonesia’s Commitment to Reducing Emissions from Air Transportation

Wednesday, 6 October 2021 - Dibaca 1472 kali




NUMBER: 354.Pers/04/SJI/2021

Date: 6 October 2021

Use of Bioavtur Shows Indonesia's Commitment to Reducing Emissions from Air Transportation

Indonesia's national energy policy is to transition from fossil energy to New, Renewable Energy.

"One of the strategies to accelerate the use of New, Renewable Energy and reduce greenhouse gas emissions is by substituting primary and final energy at the existing technologies. We've done quite successfully in land transportation subsector through the mandatory B30 program, which contributes quite significantly to the meeting of the New, Renewable Energy target and reduction of greenhouse gas emissions," said Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (EMR), Arifin Tasrif, at an event titled 'Ceremony to Mark Successful Flight Tests of Using Bioavtur J2.4 Jet Fuel' on Wednesday (6/10).

According to Arifin, the Ministry of EMR issued Ministerial Regulation Number 12 of 2015 which mandates the mixing of biofuel with avtur jet fuel by 3% in 2020 and 5% by 2025.

The air transportation sector contributes 2% of global CO2 emissions, and the level has been estimated to rise in the future. In other words, air transportation impacts significantly on global warming and climate change. For this reason, it has become a shared responsibility to prevent or slow down the negative impacts of greenhouse gas emissions produced by air transportation.

The synergy between the Ministry of EMR and the Ministry of Transportation to reduce emissions in the air transportation was created with the signing of a Joint Memorandum on December 27, 2013.

"The Memorandum aims to foster cooperation in the efforts to use Aviation Biofuel and Renewable Energy in a sustainable manner between Directorate General of Air Transportation of Ministry of Transportation and Directorate General of New, Renewable Energy and Energy Conservation of Ministry of EMR," said Director General of Air Transportation, Novie Rianto, when reading the speech of Minister of Transportation.

In addition, decisions of Minister of Transportation in 2013 on National Greenhouse Gas Action Plan and of Minister of EMR in 2015 on the Provision, Use, and Trade of Biofuels mandate a plan to use bioavtur mix in the air transportation sector, by 2% in 2016, 3% in 2020, and 5% from 2025 onwards.

"The development of bioavtur is a strategic issue at not only the national level but also the global level. Therefore, lengthy technical processes and continuous coordination are needed to assure stakeholders because this is a breakthrough for the aviation sector in Indonesia," explained Novie.

He went on to say that Indonesia had expressed its commitment to making the necessary efforts to mitigate climate change and reduce emissions in numerous national and international fora. In fact, in July 2021, Indonesia set a more ambitious target in the updated NDC and Long Term Strategy for Low Carbon and Climate Resilient 2050.

"Special for the air transportation sector, the Ministry of Transportation is committed to the efforts to reduce emissions at both national and international levels, by issuing supporting regulations, directly taking part in strategic discussions of the working groups of the International Civil Aviation Organization or ICAO, and participating actively in the implementation of ICAO policies to reduce carbon emissions from aviation activities," Novie concluded.

For the record, Indonesia's commitment to the Paris Agreement is expressed in a Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) for 2030. Indonesia's NDC states that the country will reduce greenhouse gas emissions from a Business as Usual (BAU) condition by 29% on its own and 41% with international support. The energy sector is expected to reduce emissions by 314-446 million tonnes of CO2e. A mitigation action which plays the most significant role in reducing greenhouse gas emissions in the energy sector is the development of renewable energy. (IY)

Head of Bureau of Communication, Public Information Services, and Cooperation

Agung Pribadi (08112213555)

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