There will be more Three Wind Power Plants to Operate besides Sidrap

Thursday, 25 January 2018 - Dibaca 3571 kali

JAKARTA - Sidrap Wind Power Plant (PLTB) I in capacity of 70 MW will be immediately operated in early 2018. The PLTB is located in the hills of Mattirosari and Lainungan Village, Watangpulu Sub district, Sidenreng Rappang (Sidrap) District, South Sulawesi. After taking an interconnected test on the system of PT PLN (Persero) in the last first week of January, the PLTB becomes the first great scale commercial power plant in Indonesia utilizing wind energy.

There will be other three PLTBs to operate in the near future. Those three PLTBs are Sidrap PLTB II, Jeneponto PLTB located in Jeneponto District, South Sulawesi, and Tanah Laut PLTB located in Pelaihari Subdistrict, Tanah Laut District, South Sulawesi.

"Not only Sidrap PLTB I that will be fully operated this early year, but also other three PLTBs that will be accomplished such as Sidrap II, Jeneponto and Tanah Laut. Those three are economical. It means that both new renewable energy target and cheap electricity price are accomplished," explained Agung Pribadi, the Head of Communication, Public Information Services, and Communication Bureau, Ministry of EMR.

As well as Sidrap PLTB I, Sidrap PLTB II in capacity of 50 megawatt (MW) will be constructed by PT UPC Sidrap Bayu Energi. The electricity sale price of the PLTB is agreed based on the Minister of EMR Regulation Number 50 of 2017 on Renewable Energy Source Utilization for Electricity Power Supply, that is under 85% of Electricity Generation Cost (BPP) of South Sulawesi, Southeast Sulawesi, and West Sulawesi (Sulselrabar): for US$ 8.10 cent per kWh. PT PLN (Persero) will formulate a technical study on the implementation of Sidrap PLTB II on the system of PLN.

Meanwhile, Jeneponto PLTB in capacity of 60 MW for US$ 150 million was targeted to Commercial Operation Date (COD) in 2018. Estimating the wind speed approximately for 7.5 to 8 meter per second (m/s), the PLTB will produce for about 198.6 Gigawatt hours (GWh) per year. The project will look for 190 work force.

In addition to Sidrap PLTB II and Jeneponto, Tanah Laut PLTB in South Kalimatan will complete the series of PLTB operating in Indoesia. Tanah Laut PLTB will be developed by consortium Pace Energy pte. Ltd & PT Juvisk Tri Swarna. The signing of the Letter of Intent (LoI) was directly witnessed by the Minister Jonan during the event of Renewable Energy Companies Committed to Climate in conjunction with One Planet Summit in UNESCO Central Office, Paris on December 11th, 2017.

Tanah Laut PLTB in total investment for US$ 153 million was targeted to COD by 2021. The PLTB will be constructed in three stages: stage I in capacity of 70 MW, stage II in capacity of 20 MW, and stage III in capacity of 60 MW. The Regent of Tanah Laut strongly supports the development of the PLTB by giving location permit.

Besides the three PLTBs, the Government is also encouraging the NRE-based power plant development by monitoring several power plants such as Larantuka Sea Current Power Plant (in capacity of 25 MW) as well as Cirata Floating Solar Power Plant (in capacity of 200 MWp). (AK)

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