Secure the Vital Object of EMR Sector, MEMR - BNPT Forms a SOP of Security System

Tuesday, 18 July 2017 - Dibaca 2871 kali


NUMBER: 00098.Pers/04/SJI/2017
Date: July, 18th 2017

Secure the Vital Object of EMR Sector, MEMR - BNPT Forms a SOP of Security System

The Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources, Ignasius Jonan today Tuesday (19/07) along with the Head of the National Agency for Counter-Terrorism (BNPT), Suhardi Alius witnessed the signing of cooperation agreement of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (MR) with BNPT as a follow-up of the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signing on March 13, 2017.

The signing of this cooperation agreement was undertaken to take preventive measures on the threat of terrorism in the EMR sector to optimize a security in activities at EMR sector.

"This cooperation is needed as a bridge to increase the sensitivity of the potential threat of terrorism to take preventive measures on facilities and national vital objects, such as the EMR sector so as to maintain the stability of a country," said Minister Jonan.

Similarly, the Head of BNPT stated the important role of maintaining a national vital object. "Terror is an activity that raises the fear of the public, one of them is disturbing the vital object, it should not under estimate the vital object, if disturbed, the operational will be operated," said Suhardi.

The Minister of EMR hoped that this cooperation agreement can be implemented through the making a Standard Operational Procedure (SOP) on the security system. "Try (later) equally help to make a security SOP consisting of procedure, personnel and technology. At least is a permit procedure," added Jonan Minister.

The signing of this cooperation covers the Electricity, Oil and Gas, Minerals and Coal as well as New, Renewable Energy and Energy Conservation (NREEC) subsectors that conducted by each Director General and Deputy of Prevention, Protection and Deradicalization of BNPT.

Ruang lingkup kerjasama terdiri atas pelaksanaan pengamanan kegiatan usaha sektor ESDM; pertukaran dan penjaminan kerahasiaan data dan informasi; serta melakukan monitoring dan evaluasi pelaksanaan pengamanan sektor ESDM dari tindakan terorisme.

The scope of cooperation consits of safeguarding the operations of the EMR sector; Exchange and guarantee of confidentiality of data and information; as well as monitoring and evaluating the implementation of securing the EMR sector from acts of terrorism.

Further, said Jonan Minister, the Ministry of EMR will concentrate on preventing terror against the vital objects of the EMR sector. "Prevention should be conducted seriousl. I suggest also one or two people are assigned to exercise together. Our culture is not a system culture, but a kindship culture. It should be changed. Unwritten habits should be avoided," said Minister of EMR.

This cooperation agreement is valid for a period of 5 (five) years from the date of signature and may be renewed. "As long as there is socialization (prevention), please involve us," said Jonan Minister.

Head of Communication, Public
Information Service, and Cooperation Bureau


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Head of Communication, Public Information Service, and Cooperation Bureau
Sujatmiko (08128016414)

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