Second Integrated Coaching and Supervision for Coal and Mineral Sector: South Sumatera Coal Production to Meet Domestic Needs

Tuesday, 4 April 2017 - Dibaca 3978 kali

PALEMBANG - The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (EMR) re-conducted the Integrated Coaching and Supervision for Mineral and Coal in South Sumatera. Coaching and Supervision includes recapitulation of Mining Permit (IUP) and data collection on the number of production and sales of mineral and coal in South Sumatra. Coaching and Supervision held by General Directorate of Mining with members of the House of Representatives Commission VII is the second coaching and supervision after previously conducted in West Sumatra.

"Based on the recapitulation IUP until March 2017, in South Sumatra, there are 140 companies with the status Clear and Clean (CnC), and 1 company Non CnC," said Director of Coal Development Business, Agung Pribadi, Tuesday (4/4).

For the production of coal, Agung continued, for 2016 amounted to 27,564,181 metric tons (Mton). "Our note, coal production in South Sumatra in 2016 amounted to 27,564,181 metric ton. The majority of coal from South Sumatra amounting to 17,508,541 metric ton or 64% is used to meet the needs of power plants in the country", said Agung.

On the same occasion, the Supreme also submit a report on the sale of mineral surveyor in 2016. "Gold and silver mineral sales in 2016 is destined for Australia. Overall, South Sumatra mineral sales volume in 2016 increased 3.7 percent compared to 2015. If in 2015 mineral sales volume amounted to 1,025 tons, then in 2016 the sales volume increased to 1.065 tons, with the details of 0.065 tons of gold and 1 ton of silver commodity," added Solomon.

This coaching and supervision is conducted to all mineral and coal mining entrepreneurs together with the Provincial Governments, District/City Governments, Mining Permit Companies and other related parties in South Sumatera.

Through the second coaching and supervision, the implementation of integrated sector and coal still 18 provinces anymore: East Java, Central Java, Yogyakarta, West Java, Banten, Jakarta, West Nusa Tenggara, South Sulawesi, North Sulawesi, Gorontalo, Papua, Maluku , North Sumatra, Riau, Bangka Belitung, South Kalimantan, West Kalimantan and East Kalimanta/North Kalimantan. (NA)

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