SAIDI and SAIFI Show Service Quality is Getting Better, Says Electricity Director General

Wednesday, 19 January 2022 - Dibaca 8653 kali




NUMBER: 27.Pers/04/SJI/2022

Date: 19 January 2022

SAIDI and SAIFI Show Service Quality is Getting Better, Says Electricity Director General

The Director General of Electricity of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (EMR), Rida Mulyana, stated that the quality of electricity services to the community is getting better. This is shown by the figures of the System Average Interruption Duration Index (SAIDI) and the System Average Interruption Frequency Index (SAIFI) in 2021.

"What makes us proud is SAIDI and SAIFI," said Rida in a press conference titled the Performance of 2021 and Work Programs for 2022 of the Electricity Subsector, which was held in Jakarta on Tuesday (18/1).

SAIDI, or how long a power outage or interruption occurs per customer, is down to six hours per customer per year, or 140% of the target of ten hours per customer per year. "Actually, we set a target (2021) of ten hours per customer per year, so there is an increase of more than 100%," said Rida.

Meanwhile, SAIFI refers to how many times power outage or interruption occurs per customer in one year, which runs at four times per customer per year, or 150% of the target of eight times per customer per year. "This is an improvement in service. The lower the number, the better," explained Rida.

Both SAIDI and SAIFI have continued to improve year by year. For comparison, back in 2020, the Ministry of EMR set a target of 15 hours per customer per year for SAIDI and 10 times per customer per year for SAIFI. Both indicators exceeded the targets, namely SAIDI came at 12.72 hours per customer per year while SAIFI was 9.25 times per customer per year.

The success to improve service quality in 2021 was joined by the addition in generation infrastructure (1,901.74 MW), substations (7,731 MVA), distribution substations (2,775.42 MVA), transmission (3,820.61 ckm), and distribution network (14,480.1 ckm), while electrification ratio picked up to 99.45%. (IY)

Head of Bureau of Communication, Public Information Services, and Cooperation

Agung Pribadi (08112213555)

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