Preventing Blackouts, Gov’t Revises Transmission Regulation

Tuesday, 7 September 2021 - Dibaca 1356 kali




NUMBER: 316.Pers/04/SJI/2021

Date: 7 September 2021

Preventing Blackouts, Gov't Revises Transmission Regulation

The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (EMR) has issued a regulation on the construction of electrical transmission networks via Regulation of Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Number 13 of 2021 on Free Space and Minimum Free Distance of Electrical Transmission Networks and Compensation for Land, Buildings, and Plants Located under the Free Space of Electrical Transmission Networks. This regulation revises Ministerial Regulation Number 18 of 2015 and is one of the derivatives of Law Number 11 of 2020 on Job Creation.

Director General of Electricity of the Ministry of EMR, Rida Mulyana, said the revision was triggered by the blackout in West Java, Banten, and Special Capital Region of Jakarta on August 4, 2019. It is believed the blackout occurred because a silk tree (Albizia chinensis) fell down within the free space of a transmission network.

To prevent a similar incident, the Ministry of EMR has adjusted several provisions, including adding the rules about the use of space under transmission networks, magnetic and electric fields, and the maintenance of transmission networks, Rida said in a webinar titled Free Space and Compensation for Electrical Transmission Network, held in Jakarta on Tuesday (7/9/2021).

Additionally, the new regulation controls the compensation for the holders of land and building title, owners of plants and/or other objects on the land because the land is indirectly used for electricity development.

"We hope that the issuance of Regulation of Minister of EMR Number 13 of 2021 will help business actors to resolve various dynamics that arise during the construction, operation, and maintenance of electrical transmission networks without neglecting the rights of the people," said Rida.

Free Space

Director of Electricity Techniques and Environment, Wanhar, explained that the new regulation changed the types of transmission networks, from 11 to 16 types of transmission networks.

Moreover, the regulation adds the provisions for the use of the space under transmission networks, and the activities that should not be done under transmission networks. There are also provisions for the threshold of electromagnetic field exposure that was previously unregulated.

"The areas to the left, right, and below are technically safe and can be used for other purposes, including housing, as long as these areas do not make up a free space," said Wanhar.

According to Wanhar, the regulation sets out several provisions that stop people from carrying out some activities within the free space, such as planting trees that grow in the free space, constructing any buildings, storing oil fuels, damaging or climbing transmission networks; playing kites, hot air balloons or drones, digging the soil or doing other construction work that may affect the strength of the tower foundation.

"Holders of land and building title, and/or plant owners that do not comply with the free space provision (and the non-compliance) resulting in non-fulfillment of electrical power safety may be subject to sanctions in accordance with the provisions of laws and regulations in electrical power safety," said Wanhar.


On the subject of compensation, Rida explained that the new regulation mandated that compensation be paid by the Holders of Electrical Power Supply Business License for Public Interest (IUPTLU) before constructing High Voltage Transmission Lines (SUTT) and Extra High Voltage Transmission Lines (SUTET). A sum of money is paid to the holders of land and building title, plant owners, and/or the owners of other objects located on the land by way of compensation, because their land is used indirectly for electricity development.

"Here, the indirect use of land refers to the use of the space above the ground to set up the conductors of SUTT and SUTET. The land owners still have the right to their assets but their activities are limited in order to maintain the security of the installations and the safety of any living things below the installations. The limitation of activities deserves appreciation in the form of compensation," said Rida.

For the record, the holders of IUPTLU include state electricity utility PT PLN (Persero), independent power producers, and the holders of business area permits.

The revision of the compensation provisions is in line with the recommendations of the Indonesian Ombudsman to the Ministry of EMR about the financing patterns for pruning the plants that grow in the transmission paths.

The Indonesian government has set a target for additional generation capacity of approximately 40 Giga Watt by 2030. To do so, approximately 47,000 circuit kms of additional transmission networks will be needed.

The webinar is part of a series of events to commemorate the 76th Anniversary of the Mining and Energy Day which will fall on September 28. (IY)

Head of Bureau of Communication, Public Information Services, and Cooperation

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