Prevent Terrorism, Apply a System Culture, Eradicate a Kinship Culture

Tuesday, 18 July 2017 - Dibaca 1510 kali

JAKARTA - To prevent the terrorism act, the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (EMR) asks the Ministry of ESDM officials to eradicate the kinship culture and start to apply absolutely system culture. The system culture will organize human beings based on a standard operational procedure (SOP) that applies to all without exception.

"Our culture is not a system culture, our culture is kinship culture. It should be changed. Otherwise, it is very difficult. So, I give the most easy example that how many kentucky fried chicken outlets in the world, it is probably almost about 100,000 outlets, why he can copy and paste so directly due to one-system," said Minister of EMR, Ignasius Jonan in his speech at the signing ceremony of the Cooperation Agreement between the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources and the National Agency for Counter-Terrorism, Tuesday (18/7).

"All can run because there is only one-system, there is a manual, there is a training, there is a system, and all must follow it. So, unwritten habits should be avoided," continued Jonan.

Kepala Badan Nasional Penanggulangan Terorisme (BNPT), Suhardi Alius mengatakan, terorisme merupakan gerakan terror yang menimbulkan ketakutan di masyarakat selain menyasar target-target massif dikunjungi masyarakat seperti stasiun, pelabuhan dan terminal, juga menyasar sasaran lain yakni objek-objek vital. Seperti yang dilakukan teroris di Irak, Syria dengan mengusai objek vital disana.

The Head of the National Agency for Counter-Terrorism (BNPT), Suhardi Alius said terrorism is a terror movement that raises fears in the society besides massive targets visited by people such as stations, ports and terminals, also target other objects ie vital objects. Like what terrorists done in Iraq, Syria with a vital object there.

Kementerian Energi Dan Sumber Daya Mineral bertanggung jawab mengelola objek-objek vital nasional yang berubungan dengan hajat hidup orang banyak seperti, infrastruktur minyak dan gas bumi, kelistrikan dan sumber daya alam." Jika objek-objek vital nasional dikuasai "mereka", maka akan terganggu juga operasional negara ini karena sumber pendapat juga yang paling besar ada di sektor ini juga, karena itu harus kita jaga betul jangan under estimate," ujar Suhardi.

The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources is responsible for managing the national vital objects connected with the livelihoods of the people such as oil and gas infrastructure, electricity and natural resources. "If the national vital objects are controlled by" them ", the national operation will be distrubed because the largest income source is in this sector. Therefore, we must be careful not under estimate," said Suhardi.

"So do not get disturbed these national vital objects, we can imagine if to be disturbed. This is the focus of our security," said Suhardi. (NA)

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