Potensi Besar, Badan Geologi Terus Lakukan Eksplorasi Sumber Daya Alam Indonesia

Saturday, 27 February 2021 - Dibaca 3729 kali



NUMBER: 076.Pers/04/SJI/2021

Date: 27 February 2021

Geological Agency Continues Exploration of Indonesia's Natural Resources

The Geological Agency of Indonesian Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (EMR) is a state agency with a duty to conduct inventory and exploration of Indonesia's huge natural resources potential. The Geological Agency has conducted and is conducting inventory and exploration of a number of natural resources such as oil and gas, mineral and coal, geothermal energy, and rare earth elements (REE).

"The Geological Agency is conducting inventory or exploration of a number of natural resources, for example non-renewable resources or fossil energy. One of our units called the PSG (Geological Survey Center) makes inventory or surveys of oil and gas potential in Indonesia. The surveys are made in open areas where an oil and gas work area has not been determined. The survey results are in the form of recommendations which we submit to Directorate General of Oil and Gas to be offered as work areas to investors," explained Head of Geological Agency, Eko Budi Lelono, in Instagram Live program titled Ngaboba: Ngabongkar Badan Geologi (Ngaboba: Uncovering the Geological Agency) held on Friday (25/2).

Next, the Geological Agency explores coal potential. It studies the characteristics of each coal type. This way, coal can be put into a variety of uses, which is in line with the effort to use environmentally friendly energy. The agency also explores mineral potential. Recommendations on mineral and coal potential are then submitted to Directorate General of Mineral and Coal.

The latest attempt by the Geological Agency is in Geological, Geophysical, and Geochemical (3G) exploration of geothermal potential. For the record, Indonesia's geothermal potential is the second largest in the world after the United States.

"For geothermal potential, we've conducted 3G surveys, and the results are in the form of work area. This year, we'll conduct slimhole drilling, too. We hope our data is better and more accurate now, so business players will invest in geothermal energy," said Eko.

On the same occassion, Head of Bureau of Communication, Public Information Services, and Cooperation of Ministry of EMR, Agung Pribadi, talked about the huge potential of Rare Earth Elements (REE) and nickel in Indonesia.

"Indonesia has large resources of REE. We can use REE as a new source of new, renewable energy. Our country also has abundant nickel resources. Nickel is the main material in electric vehicle battery. For this reason, Indonesia can play a significant role in providing electric vehicle battery because our country has great potential," said Agung.

Agung went on to say that the Geological Agency has a duty to make inventory of REE amount in Indonesia. REEs have yet to be used as an energy source in Indonesia. "It's the duty of the Geological Agency to make inventory of natural resources that can be used and those that can support the use of more environmentally friendly, renewable energy. Additionally, we'll use coal for other energy or processed it into other forms of energy, for example DME, so that other industries can utilize Indonesia's rich natural resources," said Agung.

In the future, Agung continued, the government wants to use more of environmentally friendly, renewable energy. "I hope in the future, renewable energy can be cheaper as technologies develop. The regulations also take sides with renewable energy, so we can expand the use of renewables. I hope the government's target (of renewables in the energy mix) of 23% by 2025 will be realized," Agung concluded. (IY)

Head of Bureau of Communication, Public Information Services, and Cooperation

Agung Pribadi (08112213555)

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