One-Price Fuel is Manifestation of Social Justice for All Indonesians, Says Official

Thursday, 16 December 2021 - Dibaca 1961 kali




NUMBER: 462.Pers/04/SJI/2021

Date: 16 December 2021

One-Price Fuel is Manifestation of Social Justice for All Indonesians, Says Official

The One-Price Fuel program is a manifestation of the government's efforts to apply the fifth principle of the Pancasila, i.e. Social Justice for All Indonesians. To carry out the program, the national government has coordinated with the regional governments and PT Pertamina (Persero) to determine the locations for the One-Price Fuels distribution," Secretary General of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (EMR), Ego Syahrial, has said at the inauguration of One-Price Fuel retailer at Central Aceh Regency in Aceh Province on Thursday (16/12).

Through the One-Price Fuel policy, people living in regions outside Java island can enjoy fuels at the same price as their fellow countrymen in Java. The program is aimed to realize social justice for all Indonesian people and provide a multiplier effect to boost the economic growth of regions.


The One-Price Fuel program started in 2017. Until 2020, a total of 253 retailers have been set up.

"In 2021, an additional 78 retailers have been established, 44 of which have been inaugurated. We'll continue development until the end of 2024, with the number of retailers reaching 583," continued Ego.

Simultaneous Inauguration in Sumatra

Several One-Price Fuel retailers in Sumatra were inaugurated this day, i.e. in Aceh Singkil, North Nias, West Lampung, and North Bengkulu regencies.

The inauguration ceremony was held in-person at Krueng Raya Fuel Terminal in Greater Aceh Regency, Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam Province, while the ceremony in the other four locations was held via video conference.


Between 2017 and 2024, the government will have set up 16 One-Price Fuel retailers in Aceh Regency. There are six retailers operating in the province, with three retailers in Aceh Singkil Regency and the other three in Gayo Luwes Regency.

Ego asked regional governments to participate in the supervision of the One-Price Fuels distribution so that the program reached its intended target. He also hopes that the six One-Price Fuel retailers inaugurated this day will provide maximum benefits to the community.

"I hope the inauguration of the six One-Price retailers can provide maximum benefits to the community. I also hope that we all continue to contribute to building our beloved nation and country. May God Almighty bestow His grace and guidance on us," Ego continued.

In a similar vein, BPH Migas Committee Member Harya Adityawarman said in his report that according to the Road Map for the Development of One-Price Fuel Retailers, the government sets a target of 583 One-Price Fuel retailers until the end of 2024.

"Since 2017, BPH Migas has consistently overseen the development of One-Price Fuel retailers to meet this target. Between 2017 and 2020, the government have established 253 One-Price Fuel retailers. The realization in 2021 has reached 78 retailers, or 102% of the target of 76 retailers," Harya stated.

The Head of the EMR Service Office of Aceh Province, Mahdinur, welcomed and supported the One-Price Fuel Program with the hope that everyone, especially those living in remote parts of the country, get affordable fuels.


"We fully support the One-Price Fuel Program. We hope that everyone benefits from program, especially those living in remote parts of the country, so that they can get and enjoy fuels at affordable prices," said Mahdinur.

Mahdinur also hopes that the inauguration will realize economic independence of regions.

"The movements of regional economic sectors will certainly lead to an improvement in people's quality of life and welfare because one of the important elements to drive regional economy is energy availability," said Mahdinur. (IY)

Head of Bureau of Communication, Public Information Services, and Cooperation

Agung Pribadi (08112213555)

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