Oil Fuels Single Price: A Secret Recipe of the President to Unite the Nation

Tuesday, 23 January 2018 - Dibaca 1874 kali

PALEMBANG - The President of the Republic of Indonesia, Joko Widodo opened the XXX National Congress and the Member Consultative Assembly of Perhimpunan Mahasiswa Katolik Republik Indonesia (PMKRI) in Palembang, South Sumatra, Monday (1/22).

Under the theme of "Voicing Pancasila to Sovereign Indonesia", the event was attended by Minister of EMR, Iganasius Jonan, Minister of Social Affairs, Idrus Marham, Minister of Youth and Sport, Imam Nahrawi, as well as Minister of Trasportation, Budi Karya Sumadi.

The President Jokowi reminded the participants that Indonesia is a country having many islands, various ethnic groups and cultures. The diversity makes Indonesia as a great country.

"I would like to remind you all, wake you up that we have such a great country. A county having17 thousand islands, 714 ethnic group, 1,100 local languages, religious, cultures, as well as traditions. So, we really are a great country having 260 million populations," said Jokowi.

The diversity should be organized well to avoid social gap among one area to others. "Why would we need to build infrastructures? Do not view the physical appearance, people tend to value the physics. Why should we build airports in Miangas Island, extend runaway in Rote Island? Because these infrastructures unite us as a great country, do not create a larger social gap," explained the President.

The President also emphasized that the policy to narrow the social gap is by issuing Oil Fuels Single Price policy. The policy is a manifestation of social justice for Indonesian.

'Three years ago I went to Wamena, I asked the people living there about the Premium fuel price. I not only asked one or three people, but I asked many people. They answered that the price was Rp 60,000.- in normal condition, but it will be Rp 100,000,- per liter during bad weather. So, once I asked myself where social justice has been all this time for all Indonesian," affirmed the President.

In materializing the justice, the President ordered the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (EMR), Ignasius Jonan to follow up the Oil Fuels Single Price policy and implement it thoroughly to narrow the oil fuels price gap among one area to other areas in Indonesia.

"I ordered the Minister Jonan to create the same oil fuels price in Java, Sumatra, and even in Papua. So, it's been eight (8) months since the oil fuels price in Papua is as same as in Java Island," said the President.

The Government has formulated a road map of oil fuels single price. There have been 57 oil fuels distribution agents built in 2017. In 2018, the Government assigned PT Pertamina (Persero) to build 50 distribution agents and by 2019, there will be 46 distribution agents. All distribution agents are existing in isolated areas having unreachable economic and road access. (AK)

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