Minister of EMR: Hazardous Zone of Mt. Agung was Based on Volcanology Technical Decision

Thursday, 11 January 2018 - Dibaca 2594 kali



NUMBER: 006.Pers/04/SJI/2018

Date: January 11th, 2018

Minister of EMR: Hazardous Zone of Mt. Agung was Based on Volcanology Technical Decision

Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (EMR) Ignasius Jonan affirmed that the Government decision to decrease the hazardous zone for activities to be 6 km was a decision based on volcanology technical observation from the Center for Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation (PVMBG), Geological Agency.

"Geological Agency decreased the hazardous zone from 8 - 10 km to be 6 km based on volcanology technical observation and calculation," affirmed Minister Jonan in his visit to the Observation Post of Mt. Agung in Rembang, Karangasem District, Bali on Wednesday (1/10).

The affirmation responded the worries of some parties on the previous decision to decrease the hazardous zone. They worried that the decision was made out of the concern of volcanology. "You do not have to worry. We decreased the hazardous zone in a full consideration. This was a real decision based on volcanology analysis. No addition or decrease made," explained the Minister.

Human safety is the main consideration in decision making regarding the status of Mt. Agung based on the President Joko Widodo directive. "The President emphasized that the most important thing is always considering the human safety based on factual conditions, so it will not affect the people activities including tourism sector," added the Minister Jonan.

The Head of National Disaster Mitigation Agency (BNPB), Willem Rampangilei, also participated in the visit together with the Minister Jonan. They plan to design a continuous disaster mitigation especially for refugees. "I asked the Head of BNPB to participate in the visit because we have several matters to discuss concerning the refugees," explained the Minister of EMR.

Concerning the recommendations of PVMBG, the Head of BNPB has conducted several actions including early warning system by evacuating people from 10 villages. "There are 10 villages that should be evacuated. Those 10 villages consist of 32.666 people. So we have to manage them well including logistics, health services, educations, and others," explained Williem.

Those 10 villages considered as hazardous zone are Besakih, Ban, Dukuh, Kubu, Baturinggit, Datah, Nawakerti, Buana Giri, Jungutan, and Sebudi.

Based on visual and instrumental data analysis up to January 10th, 2018 at 11.59 p.m. (local time), Mt. Agung as a whole was covered by fog. A low pressure crater smoke was observed in white by having low to medium intensity, 500 m height above the peak heading to the east.

"vities, but should remain aware of the situations. This is because of the fact that hazardous zone is dynamic, is being evaluated, and may change at any times. The status will be based on the progress of the updated/latest observation of Mt. Agung. "We need to remain alert, while improving the mitigation," affirmed Williem. (AK)

The Head of Communications, Public Information

Services, and Cooperation Bureau

Agung Pribadi

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