Minister Jonan with Interfaith Youths Cleans-Up a Mosque

Sunday, 17 September 2017 - Dibaca 2193 kali

JAKARTA - With a Vespa motorcyle, a Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (EMR), Ignasius Jonan and Muhammadiyah Youth Preparedness Command (Kokam) and other interfaith youths, such as Young Generation of Indonesian Buddhism (GEMA BUDHI), Indonesian Catholic Youth and Indonesian Cristian Youth, carrying out the clean-up activities of houses of worship. After cleaning up the church last month, this time it was the turn to clean the Jami'yyatul Iman mosque in Menteng Pulo, South Jakarta. This monthly agenda is carried out as an evidence of diversity as well as a form of tolerance to remove a barrier between religious communities.

"The clean-up event of the house of worship is the evidence of Indonesian diversity. The spirit of mutual help of the Indonesian people is also important and also remove or reduce at least the barriers because religion, because the tribe, this cooperation to clean houses of worship and I also really appreciate the activities initiated by Muhammadiyah youth," said Jonan after cleaning the ablution place of Masjid Jami'yyatul Iman in Menteng Pulo South Jakarta, Sunday (17/9).

Jonan added, clean up the mosque, church and temple worship house is a manifestation of the spirit of mutual cooperation and the spirit of community unity and national unity, especially youth as a young generation.

"Diversity is a part of this nation since we agreed to independence in 1945 from Sabang to Merauke." Wong's tribe differs a lot and so forth, his beliefs or religions are also different, it does not need to be contradicted is his personal affairs respectively, now what can we working together for the people, the nation and the country I think is the most important," said Jonan.

Meanwhile, Chairman of Muhammadiyah Youth Central Leader, Dahnil Anzar Simanjuntak explained that the clean-up activities of this house of worship is a monthly agenda of inter-religious youth to foster a sense of brotherhood among religious people.

"We clean up the house of worship in turns, last month of the church, now Masjdi and next month plan our Vihara in turn, so the whole religious community, young people interfaith together with the mosque, temple and church. Then, in cleaning up, there is also a dialogue between one with another so that there is a mutual understanding grows a sense of brotherhood between someone with others," said Dahnil.

The message to be conveyed from this activity is a way to foster authentic tolerance. "The tolerance should be out of tolerance, that tolerance should not be pretended, so respecting it can't be pretended, let alone tolerance of politics filled with pretense," continued Dahnil or who is familiarly called Anin.

After cleaning the mosque, Minister Jonan had the opportunity to plant trees around the mosque area and serve free feeding for the poor. (NA)

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