Minister Jonan and Climate Change

Tuesday, 16 January 2018 - Dibaca 3577 kali

JAKARTA -Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (EMR), Ignasius Jonan emphasized the initiative and the commitment of Ministry of EMR on energy mix during the Climate Change Festival 2018 held by Ministry of Environment and Forestry, Jakarta, Tuesday (1/16).

Regarding energy mix, particularly in electricity sector, the Minister explained that the portion of new renewable energy in energy mix was more than 12%, while the target by 2025 is 23%. "I will emphasize that the target of renewable energy in energy mix by 2025 is 23% and now we have achieved 12%," explained Jonan.

The Minister Jonan believed that the target could be achieved within the next 8 years, especially through the construction of power plants. "First, we could build hydro power plants. Last year, I committed to achieve 1.000 MW. So, if we want to predict the future then I would say that we are able to achieve another 1.000 MW from hydro power plants," affirmed Jonan. The tariff should be competitive. If there is any hydro power plant built in Java in capacity of 0.86 MW, then the tariff should be competitive.

"The second thing to concern is geothermal energy having abundance potential. According to the study, Indonesia is having the second biggest installed capacity after the USA. Recently, Indonesia is having geothermal installed capacity for 1.8 GW. Some of them are Geothermal Power Plant (PLTP) Sarulla that has been on stream for 220 MW from 2 units. The unit-3 will be on stream by March 2018, so the total will be 330 MW. The unit will be inaugurated by the President. So, there will be more than 3,000 MW in the next 8 years," said Jonan.

"The third thing is Solar Power Plant (PLTS). Both price and technology of PLTS are more competitive day by day. The first approach is by giving the project the private sectors to develop the PLTS in the location determined by the Government. Besides, we could also encourage the installment of PLTS in public services such as airports, terminals, and the next target is for households," explained Jonan.

Another approach to develop the utilization of PLTS is the distribution of Solar Self-Ballast Lamp (LTSHE). In 2018, there will be LTSHE distribution for 175,782 houses in 15 province. "The LTSHE will enlighten 2,500 un-electrified villages. We installed Independent Solar System, completed by 4 lamps and cellphone charger outlet. The cost will only be 2 million per house, so it is cheap," explained Jonan.

Furthermore, the programs are also meant to increase the electrification ratio. It was recorded that electrification ratio in December 2017 was 94.91% or more than the target (92.7%). "We will try as hard as possible to achieve the target for 99.9% above the target of National Medium Term Development Plan (RPJMN) for 97%. This is very important for the equitable development," explained Jonan.

Not only developing renewable energy development, Ministry of EMR has also conducted primary energy efficiency to support climate change control. For any areas having gas well, power plant should be built in the gas wellhead to enable piping system and reduce emission effects due to transportation. It also applies to areas having coal resources such as Kalimantan and Sumatra, Steam Power Plant (PLTU) should be built in mining mouth. By doing such efforts, electricity price will be cheaper and reduce emission effects due to transportation.

Electricity vehicle development will also be an effort to reduce climate change effects requiring supports from all parties. "The President encourages the utilization of electricity vehicles to reduce emission effects," said Minister Jonan.

Indonesia's commitment in reducing climate change effects is stated in Law Number 16 of 2016 on Paris Agreement Ratification, by having the target to reduce greenhouse gas emission for 29% by 2030 (with no foreign assistance). In energy sector, the commitment in supporting the target is materialized by reducing greenhouse gas emission for 314 - 398 million ton of CO2 by 2030. Ministry of EMR also support any efforts of environmental management in energy supply and mining activities. (AK)

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