LTSHE Distribution in Papua Needs Support From All Parties

Friday, 16 February 2018 - Dibaca 1661 kali

JAYA WIJAYA - After visiting the Lanny Jaya Regency to see the results of the installation of Energy Saving Solar Lamp (LTSHE), Rida Mulyana as the Director General of New Energy, Renewable and Energy Conservation (NREEC) of Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (EMR) went to Jaya Wijaya. This visit was accompanied by representatives of Assistant I of Jaya Wijaya Regency Drs. Tunggal and Head of Department of Labor, Industry and Trade of Jaya Wijaya Regency, Samuel Munua, on Thursday (16/02).

For this time, Bugi District Jaya Wijaya Regency was visited by Mr. Rida and entourage. The district which is 1 hour away or about 60 Km from the city of Wamena includes a pitch black before there is the LTSHE distribution. Assistant I of Jaya Wijaya Regency Drs. Tunggal conveyed that the LTSHE program in Jayawijaya Regency is located in 18 (eighteen) districts of 130 (one hundred and thirty) villages. Totally, the LTSHE that given as many as 4816 units and 4000 already installed, meanwhile 816 LTSHE units are under construction.

"There are several obstacles in the distribution of LTSHE, the first is the condition of remote distribution and difficult to reach and transportation in November and December focused on the logistics of Christmas and New Year celebrations so that the delay," explained Assistant I Jaya Wijaya Regency Drs. Single. However, Tunggal represented the people of Jaya Wijaya Regency admitted very thankful for the LTSHE program. "This assistance is very beneficial to the society, and the society is expected to maintain this LTSHE lamp," asserted Tunggal.

On this occasion also symbolically handed the LTSHE lamp to representatives of Kalasis Mr. Mas Jigibalon, representatives from SD Inpres Musa Tabuni and representatives from Silimo village Bimu Morin Wenda village.

Rida started his speech conveying that our team is here to make sure that Nawa Cita President Jokowi's program has reached and utilized its benefits directly. "These LTSHE lamps are bought by our money and for us, to share the happiness for the brothers who have not enjoyed the lights" explained Rida.

Rida also added, "Our data are very dependent on you here, please give us the clear name and address data, that the Minister and the President must agree, because we serve the public the main thing". The proposed regional need for LTSHE recipient data is important because the Central Government is not sure which communities really need help.

Rida further explained that the challenge in this LTSHE Program is in terms of distribution to the recipients rather than the production. Therefore, it is expected that coordination assistance with religious leaders or district heads is necessary. Because LTSHE is not just a light that is shared freely, but LTSHE is the energy of the future to keep the unity of the Republic of Indonesia. (NA)

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