Kaleidoscope 2017: Real Actions of EMR Sector in Achieving an Energy Justice (Part 3/4)

Wednesday, 3 January 2018 - Dibaca 1521 kali

JAKARTA - Entering the final quarter of 2017, the sustainability of energy equity policy, such as BBM Satu Harga, the distribution of converter kits (konkit) for fishermen and Solar Energy Saving Lamp (LTSHE) is still a top priority of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM).

The Government's commitment to continue to boost the national electrification ratio is demonstrated through the groundbreaking of Java Power Plant Steam Power (PLTU) Java 7.9,10 and PLTU IPP Banten and the addition of Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) based on Renewable Energy (EBT).

The most proud is the achievement of Non-Tax State Revenues (PNBP) in some subsectors such as oil and gas, minerba, until geothermal exceeds the target set in 2017.

Several important decisions were also made by the Government to provide certainty of investment, especially related to the continued management of the Mahakam Block and 8 termination blocks by 2018.

The real step is also shown by the Ministry of ESDM in handling disaster mitigation in Geology sector. The rapid anticipation of the status of Gunung Agung, Bali and the earthquake became an important part of the Government's seriousness in handling the ESDM sector.

Important events recorded in the fourth quarter of 2017, including:


5 October, Groundbreaking of Steam Power Plant (PLTU) Java 7, 9, and 10 (total capacity 4,000 Megawatts / MW) and Inauguration of PLTU IPP Banten (capacity 660 MW) in Banten Province.

October 12, Synchronization of the National General Energy Plan (RUEN) with the DEN Member Ministry Strategic Plan / Agency and the evaluation of the development of Biofuels (BBN) became the main topic of the 23rd session of the National Energy Council (DEN) member.

18 October, 54 points of Public Charging Station (SPLU) installed in Makasar, South Sulawesi as an effort to encourage the acceleration of electric vehicle development in Indonesia.

29 October, Decrease of Gunung Agung's activity status in Karangasem Regency from AWAS (level IV) to SIAGA (level III) starting at 16.00 WITA.

31 October, Inauguration of Jangkrik field gas production facility at Eni Muara Bakau's Onshore Receiving Facility (ORF), in Handil Baru Village, Samboja District, Kutai Kartanegara Regency, East Kalimantan.


November 2, the Ministry of Finance confer the best performance title to the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources in the management of State Property (BMN) in BMN Award event.

14 November, Signing of 13 Manuscript of Amendment of Contract of Work Agreement / Cooperation of Coal Mining Business (PKP2B). Since 2010, the government has negotiated 68 PKP2B. With the signing of the amendment of 13 PKP2B, 50 PKP2B have been amended since 2010.

16 November, Addition of 9 PPA for power plant project from renewable energy between PT PLN (Persero) and private electricity developer (IPP) officially signed. In addition to this PPA 640.45 MW, a total of 1,189.22 MW PPA EBT has been signed this year.

November 22, the Government decided 8 (eight) termination blocks in 2018 will partly be managed by PT Pertamina (Persero) according to government assignment. The termination blocks are Sanga-Sanga Block, South East Sumatera Block (SES), Tuban Block, Ogan Komering Block, NSO Block, Central Block, East Kalimantan Block, and Attaka Block.

November 24, Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources won the Best I category of Public Information Services Through the Internet (Website) at Media Awards PR Award (AMH) 2017.

27 November, Gunung Agung status, Bali again raised from level III (SIAGA) to level IV (CAUTION) after issuing phreatic eruption at 06.00 WITA.

Recorded until November 2017, the progress of the 35,000 MW program from PT. PLN (Persero) and IPP that has been operating is 998 MW.


December 5, Sipagabu Village Community and Liattondung Village, Nassau Sub-District, Toba Samosir District, North Sumatera Province, were electrified after the Toba Samosir Micro Hydro Power Plant (PLTMH) was built.

December 7, the Government of Indonesia decided to continue the membership freeze in OPEC (Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries).

December 11, Signing of 3 Letter of Intent (LoI) between PT PLN (Persero) with Independent Power Producers (IPP) originating from France for 70 MW Tanah Lot PLTB South Kalimantan and PLTS Bali 1-2 100 MWp.

December 12, Ministry of ESDM Achieved the Electronic City System Implementation Award-Best State Official Report (e-LHKPN) Year 2017.

December 16, EMR's Geological Disaster Preparedness Team conducted an investigation and investigation around the area affected by the 6.9 SR earthquake that shook the city of Tasikmalaya and surrounding areas.

December 20, Electrical Project, namely Nabire 20 MW Gas Engine Power Plant (PLTMG) and PLTMG Jayapura 50 MW was inaugurated by President Joko Widodo.

December 27, the Government set the price of premium fuel, diesel, and kerosene, as well as electricity tariffs from January to March 2018 did not increase.

December 29, the President was accompanied by Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources and Minister of SOEs inaugurated 17 points of Supplier of Fuel (BBM) One Price which is centered in Pontianak, West Kalimantan. Total One Fuel Supplier Agencies that have operated in 2017 to be 57 dots. The government is targeting the BBM Satu Price program to cover 159 dots until 2019.

Also noted at the end of the year, the ESDM sector accounts for nearly half of the national PNBP target of 2017.

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