Indonesian Govt Supports EV Charging Application

Monday, 1 February 2021 - Dibaca 5225 kali



NUMBER: 045.Pers/04/SJI/2021

Date: 1 February 2021

Indonesian Govt Supports EV Charging Application

The Indonesian Government is optimistic that a massive population of Battery Electric Vehicles (KBLBB) will travel on the roads of Indonesia in the near future. Such optimism is supported by a battery charging application named Charge.IN, a breakthrough made by state electricity company PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara (Persero).

Director General of Electricity of the Ministry of EMR, Rida Mulyana, stressed that the application will make it easier for users to control and monitor electric vehicle battery charging at public recharging station (SPKLU).

"We hope PLN can continue to develop the technology of this application, for example adding features and payment methods that make it easier for the public to charge electric vehicles. This way, the public will be attracted to switching to KBLBB," said Rida who represented Minister of EMR Arifin Tasrif at the virtual launch of the Charge.IN application on Friday (29/01).

As the first charging application used at SPKLU, this application is expected to support the acceleration of the KBLBB program. The KBLBB has been mandated by Presidential Regulation Number 55 of 2019 on the Acceleration of the Battery-Based Electric Motor Vehicle Program for Road Transportation and Regulation of Minister of EMR Number 13 of 2020 on the assignment of PLN to provide infrastructure for electric vehicles charging.

Support for the development of a KBLBB ecosystem has also been given by Ministry of Transportation. "The Ministry of Transportation is committed to supporting this program by issuing several regulations related to KBLBB, for example, regulations on various infrastructure for testing of motor vehicle types," said Minister of Transportation Budi Karya Sumadi on the same occasion.

The electric vehicle program is in line with efforts to reduce fuel imports in Indonesia National Grand Energy Strategy currently being drafted by the government. The government has set a target of 2 million units of electric cars and 13 million units of electric motorbikes by 2030. These efforts are expected to replace fuel consumption by around 77 thousand barrels per day, thus reducing GHG emissions of 7.23 million tonnes of CO2e.

There have been 101 SPKLU units built at 73 locations in public places such as public gas stations, public natural gas stations, offices, hotels, shopping centers, parking areas, and rest areas along toll roads.

The government welcomes PLN's efforts in supporting the acceleration of KBLBB infrastructure, for example by adding the number of SPKLU in various locations. In accordance with the provisions of Regulation of Minister of EMR Number 13 of 2020, PLN (Persero) has been assigned to provide infrastructure for electric vehicles charging, with a plan to add up to 24,720 recharging stations in the next 10 years.

"PLN hopes that Charge.IN can encourage the movement to use KBLBB to be more massive in the future so that finally, when we all use KBLBB, cleaner, more efficient air will be created, which will bring Indonesian to become a more environmentally friendly and modern nation," said President Director of PLN, Zulkifli Zain.

For the record, the Ministry of EMR on 17 December 2020 made a Public Launch of KBLBB. Various government agencies have shown their commitment to accelerating KBLBB through the use of 757,139 units of two-wheeled and 19,220 units of four-wheeled vehicles until 2025. (IY)

Head of Bureau of Communication, Public Information Services, and Cooperation

Agung Pribadi (08112213555)

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