Indonesian Govt Appreciates UV Innovation for Agriculture

Tuesday, 2 February 2021 - Dibaca 1527 kali



NUMBER: 046.Pers/04/SJI/2021

Date: 2 February 2021

Indonesian Govt Appreciates UV Innovation for Agriculture

The Indonesian Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (EMR) has expressed its appreciation to state electricity company PT PLN (Persero) for using ultraviolet (UV) lamps to increase hydroponic plants productivity. The agricultural breakthrough results from collaboration with the Center for Self-Subsistent Farming & Rural Training (P4S) Buana Lestari in Betet Integrated Farming Education Tour (WETT) in Nganjuk Regency, East Java Province.

"The use of UV lamps can increase electricity sales. This proves that PLN's sales of electricity are used not only to meet consumptive needs. We appreciate this innovation," said Head of Bureau of Communication, Public Information Services, and Cooperation of Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (EMR), Agung Pribadi, in Jakarta on Monday (1/2).

The use of electricity to boost economic productivity, continued Agung, is in line with the government's effort to increase electricity supply for communities and regions where economies are growing. "In line with the government's commitment, available electricity in the community must improve people's lives," he explained.

Head of the hydroponic program team, Asrori, has enjoyed the benefits of farming with UV light. As stated in an official release of PLN, Asrori admitted that his hydroponic crops have increased since he used UV light to substitute sunlight at night. "Thanks to UV light, the nutrients needed by hydroponic plants are maintained and there is light for 24/7 so that the plants can grow optimally," said Asrori.

With stable irrigation system and UV light, organic vegetables grown under UV can be harvested in just 30-35 days, which is faster than ordinary hydroponics which needs 45 days. In terms of weight, a hydroponic plant fed with UV can weigh 200-250 grams, heavier than ordinary hydroponics which is only 150 grams per plant stem.

"However, please keep in mind that the lights used must be special lamps called GROW LEDs. These lamps emit a spectrum of ultraviolet light. In addition, the distance between bulbs must also be adjusted. Ideally, one bulb is installed at a two-square meter area at a height of 150 cm from the plant," said Asrori.

In terms of quality, UV light also makes the leaves and roots brighter. This indicates that the plant is healthy. "In terms of taste, there's no need to worry. The plant is not bitter, so it is safe for immediate consumption," said Asrori.

From business point of view, hydroponic farming with UV lamps has a bright prospect. This type of farming can be done at a limited space, while the turnover exceeds the investment amount. "For these reasons, many hydroponic farmers have started to explore UV hydroponic system to increase plant productivity," said Asrori.

To illustrate, a small-scale, household hydroponic farm of 40 holes needs an investment of around Rp 1.8 million for a UV hydroponic starter kit, while the operational cost per planting period is only Rp 100,000. The crop of each hole ranges between 200-250 grams. For 40 holes, the produce is about 10 kg in one harvest period. If the market price is Rp 25,000 per kg, a hydroponic farmer gets a turnover of Rp 250,000.

In one year, UV hydroponic farms can have 9-12 harvest periods. This means the turnover can reach millions of rupiah. This is different from the ordinary hydroponic system which only offers 6-9 harvest periods with a rotary system.

For hobby and industrial scales, the UV hydroponic system is no less promising. For example, for a hobby-scale hydroponic farm of 200 holes, the investment for the starter kit is Rp 7.5 million and the operational cost for each planting period is Rp 465,000. At this scale, hydroponic farmers can produce 50 kg of hydroponic plants in one harvest period or equivalent with Rp 1,250,000. This income can cover the initial investment costs in one year.

PLN's Executive Vice President of Corporate Communication and CSR, Agung Murdifi, is glad that the PLN Peduli program has directly benefited the community and the environment. In line with the company's on-going transformation, continued Agung, PLN is ready to collaborate with the community to bring innovations, especially those related to electricity, to increase community productivity.

PLN is committed to supporting community empowerment programs that improve community welfare. "This is in line with PLN motto, "Electricity for a better life". Electricity must be used to increase productivity which brings good impacts on the society and supports a more friendly and pleasant environment," concluded Agung. (NA)

Head of Bureau of Communication, Public Information Services, and Cooperation

Agung Pribadi (08112213555)

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