Indonesia, Swiss Develop Modular Curriculum for Solar Power Plant Technicians

Tuesday, 7 December 2021 - Dibaca 941 kali




NUMBER: 438.Pers/04/SJI/2021

Date: 7 December 2021

Indonesia, Swiss Develop Modular Curriculum for Solar Power Plant Technicians

To support the government's program to achieve 23% of new, renewable energy share in the energy mix by 2025 and Net Zero Emission by 2060 or sooner, the Human Resources Development Agency of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (BPSDM ESDM) and the Ministry of Manpower of the Republic of Indonesia Indonesia in collaboration with the Swiss Confederation through the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO) have developed a modular curriculum for solar power plant technicians.

"This is the first modular curriculum in Indonesia for operational and maintenance technicians of solar power plants and is part of the Indonesian National Work Competency Standards", said Head of Center for Human Resource Development of Electricity, New, Renewable Energy, and Energy Conservation, Laode Sulaeman, in Jakarta, Monday (6/12).

According to Laode, this program is part of the technical assistance collaboration within Renewable Energy Skills Development (RESD) project between the BPSDM ESDM and SECO. Other strategic state ministries are involved, such as the Ministry of Manpower and the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology.

"Strengthening human resources capacity in renewable energy, in particular in solar power generation, is very much in line with the Indonesian government's energy transition road map for 2021-2060, which will be dominated by solar energy sources," Laode continued.

The Ministry of Manpower expressed its support to the RESD project. "The Ministry of Manpower supports the Indonesian government's effort to shift to clean energy sources, by preparing a workforce that can run and perform maintenance of renewable power plants," said Secretary of the Directorate General of Vocational and Productivity Training Fostering (Binalavotas) of the Ministry of Manpower, Hery Budoyo.

Binalavotas has prepared four vocational training and education centers (BLK) in Banda Aceh, Lombok, Ternate, and Ambon to launch a pilot training program for solar power plant technicians which will start in 2022. Specialists from the Directorate of Standardization and Competence of the Ministry of Manpower will assist with curriculum preparation and act as a moderator.


The RESD project lead, Martin Stottele, said the preparation of a modular curriculum for solar power plant technicians continued a basic training in solar power generation for 16 instructors from five pilot education/training institutions of the RESD project. The basic training was held from 25 October 2021 to 5 November 2021 at the Serang Development Center for Vocational Education and Training.

"Through the involvement of industry and input from vocational education institutions in Switzerland, from preparation of job descriptions for solar power plant technicians, curriculum development, to training for instructors, we hope that the human resources produced are truly in line with the needs of the renewable energy industry," Martin explained.

The RESD project is a direct grant from the Swiss government, and given in the forms of technical assistance and laboratory equipment support which will last until the year 2025. It aims to create a competent workforce in the fields of planning, design, construction and installation, inspection and commissioning, operation and maintenance of solar power plants, hybrid solar and diesel power plants, and hydroelectric power plants. To achieve its goal, the RESDM project will create a Diploma IV program specializing in renewable energy at 5 polytechnics in Indonesia, launch renewable energy courses in modular formats at 5 vocational education/training institutions, and strengthen the exchange of information and communication in the renewable energy subsector.

Master trainers, who are experts in solar energy utilization in Switzerland, will guide the RESD project. These master trainers will not only share but also cascade their knowledge and experience to solar power plant instructors throughout Indonesia. This way, it is hoped that these instructors can develop quality and effective curriculum and teaching materials.

The partners of the RESD program include BPSDM MEMR as the main partner, the Directorate General of New, Renewable Energy and Energy Conservation and the Directorate General of Electricity of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, the Directorate General of Training and Productivity Fostering of the Ministry of Manpower, the Directorate General of Vocational Education of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology, the National Agency for Professional Certification, and the National Development Planning Agency. The RESD program also works closely with polytechnics, vocational education and training institutions, industry associations, and the private sector. (IY)

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