Indonesia, Denmark Launch Electricity Technology Catalog

Thursday, 4 March 2021 - Dibaca 1893 kali



NUMBER: 080.Pers/04/SJI/2021

Date: 4 March 2021

Indonesia, Denmark Launch Electricity Technology Catalog

A new version of electricity Technology Catalog was launched virtually on Tuesday (2/3/2021). Part of the Indonesia-Denmark Energy Partnership program, the Technology Catalog is an update of an earlier version released in 2017.

"The Indonesian government supports the issuance of the Technology Catalog to be used as a reference in preparing long-term energy modelling in Indonesia because long-term planning depends on accurate prediction of price and performance of future energy technologies," said Coordinator of Electricity Cooperation of Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Senda Hurmuzan Kanam.

As instructed by the National Medium-Term Development Plan (RPJMN) and Strategic Plan (RENSTRA) 2019-2024, Indonesia has a target to realize 23% of new, renewable energy use in energy mix and 17% of energy efficiency.

"Until 2025, we will focus on an increased use of new, renewable energy in the national electricity development, with a total capacity to be built until 2028 reaching 16.7 GW. The use of fossil energy, such as by coal-fired power plants, will still be allowed but decreased gradually," said Senda.

Senda said the Indonesian government welcomed the cooperation with the Denmark government in preparing the Technology Catalog. The Indonesian government considers the catalog as an input in the effort to realize the National Electricity Development Program.

Ole Emmik Sorensen, Director in Global Cooperation of Danish Energy Agency (DEA), said the Technology Catalog has visualized a greener future. It was launched at the perfect moment, too, when the generation costs from renewable energy were falling. The rapid progress indeed raises certain challenges; thus, selection of appropriate technologies is needed to ensure that energy is supplied adequately at a more affordable price.

The Technology Catalog is made up of 16 chapters with over 200 pages. It introduces new technologies such as tidal energy, Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle and Carbon Capture (IGCC), and Carbon Capture Storage (CCS) as well as analysis of the maturity level of each technology. The Catalog also projects reduced costs of renewable energy technologies.

The Technology Catalog results from the cooperation between Directorate General of Electricity of Indonesian Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Danish Energy Agency (DEA) of Danish Ministry of Climate and Energy, consultant firm Energy Analysis (Ea), and Danish Embassy in Jakarta. (IY)

Head of Burea of Communication, Public Information Services, and Cooperation

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