Indonesia Calls for Energy Transition Acceleration in G20

Thursday, 10 February 2022 - Dibaca 5042 kali




NUMBER: 70.Pers/04/SJI/2022

Date: 10 February 2022

Indonesia Calls for Energy Transition Acceleration in G20

Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investment, Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan, together with Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (EMR), Arifin Tasrif, on Thursday (10/2) launched the G20 Energy Transition. The forum is expected to bridge Indonesia's focus on bringing together developed and developing countries within the G20 to accelerate the energy transition process and strengthen a sustainable global energy system.

"The G20 Energy Transition is expected to produce more concrete results from the G20 meetings to strengthen a sustainable global energy system, and just energy transition in the context of sustainable recovery," said Arifin in his remarks.


The energy transition pillar, Arifin added, will focus on three priorities, namely access, technology, and funding. "These three priorities are expected to lead to a global agreement on accelerating the energy transition," he explained.

Through this forum, Indonesia hopes to reaffirm stronger global commitments to achieve energy access target as set out in the 2030 Agenda as Sustainable Development Goals.

"This is the main result or lighthouse deliverable that is expected by the Indonesian Presidency as a follow-up to actions after the COP26 and the previous G20 Presidency, in order to achieve carbon neutrality that Indonesia has targeted by 2060, or sooner with real support from the international community," Arifin explained.

On the same occasion, Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investment Luhut Binsar Panjaitan who was representing the President of the Republic of Indonesia, emphasized that energy transition actions must be carried out fairly and have positive socio-economic impacts on the community.

"The paradigm shift will definitely have an impact on job changes, development scenarios, business orientation, and so on. So, we want a fair (transition); those with heavy burdens must be helped, those who are ready can go on their own while helping those who can't afford it. This (transition) must be fully supported by strong global cooperation. This is what we want to build at Indonesia G20. This is what we mean by a global deal," said Luhut.


As part of the energy transition implementation in Indonesia, the government will continue to promote the birth of greener industries and contributions by private entities and philanthropists in providing innovative funding.

The Minister of EMR also called for active collaboration of all parties for the successful G20 Presidency of Indonesia, which carries the main theme of Recover Together, Recover Stronger. "Becoming the G20 President is a very rare opportunity for Indonesia. Let's work together to make the G20 Energy Transition Forum of 2022, which consists of Energy Transitions Working Group (ETWG) meetings and Energy Transition Ministerial Meeting (ETMM), as well as a series of webinars, investment forums, and other parallel events a success," Arifin concluded.

International Organizations Support

Indonesia's commitment to reaching a global deal to accelerate the energy transition has received the full support of a number of international organizations.

Executive Director of the International Energy Agency (IEA), Fatih Birol, said Indonesia has a strong influence in the Southeast Asian region on global energy issues.

"It is an honor for me and the IEA to support Indonesia's agenda, especially since Indonesia is the first developing country to become the President of the G20. Moreover, the Minister of EMR and I are carrying out the Indonesia-IEA collaboration, and IEA is trusted as a strategic advisor for the Indonesian government in G20 presidency on the energy transition pillar," said Fatih.


Fatih especially appreciated the President of the Republic of Indonesia in overcoming the problems of the Covid-19 pandemic, and specifically in choosing the issue of energy transition as the main agenda of the G20. "The leadership of the President of Indonesia in dealing with the pandemic has really become an inspiration to world leaders. I am happy that the President of Indonesia has raised energy transition to the high-level meeting of the G20," Fatih continued.

Other support is also provided by the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA). "I am happy that the energy transition has been identified as a priority issue in Indonesia's G20 Presidency. Through this forum, Indonesia has the opportunity not only to boost political momentum but also to demonstrate leadership in the energy transition through action. I welcome Indonesia's commitment to achieve net zero emissions by 2060 or faster," said IRENA Director General, Francesco La Camera.

La Camera emphasized that the partnership agreement signed between the IRENA and Indonesia during COP26 underscores IRENA's readiness to deploy its full capabilities to cooperate with Indonesia. "We are ready to help you, both in the context of the G20 Presidency and in achieving the broader national energy transition goals and mobilizing financing and investors," added La Camera.


In order to recover faster and stronger from the impact of Covid-19 and align with a net zero future, Francesco is pushing for a renewable energy system. "A system that is built on the principles of inclusive, sustainable, and equitable growth. One that frees us from today's volatility and instability. A system with renewable energy, green hydrogen, and modern bioenergy," explained La Camera.

Meanwhile, the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UN ESCAP) also emphasized its full support for Indonesia's G20 Presidency in promoting the issue of energy transition. "ESCAP strongly supports Indonesia's aspirations as a member of ESCAP in promoting sustainable energy. We will assist with the technicality of the action plans to implement clean energy in developing countries that are focused on archipelagic countries. This support for Indonesia will be given to the maximum," said the Executive Secretary of ESCAP, Armida S. Alisjahbana.

For the record, the G20 Energy Transition has been launched as part of Indonesia's G20 Presidency, which starts on December 1, 2021 until the G20 Summit in November 2022. This presidency is important for Indonesia in its role as a global citizen that supports clean energy and global climate. (IY)

Head of Bureau of Communication, Public Information Services, and Cooperation

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