Handling for Oil and Gas, Electricity and Geology Sector During Eid Fitr 2017 Period Runs Safe and Controlled

Saturday, 8 July 2017 - Dibaca 1420 kali

Go home and come back for 2017 is almost over, the EMR Sector Monitoring Posts for 2017 Eid Fitr are Oil and Gas, Electricity and Geology sectors in a safe and controlled condition. EMR Sector Monitoring Posts 2017 will be run to July 10, 2017.

In the oil and gas subsector for stock and distribution of BBM and LPG nationally during the period of Eid Fitr 2017 does not get troubles. The stock of fuel and LPG is in sufficient condition and the distribution runs smoothly. The average availability of fuel and LPG reaches 20 days, until Friday, July 7, 2017 (H + 12) availability as follows: Premium: 23.0 days; Solar: 29.7 days; Pertalite: 24.9 days; Kerosene: 66 days; Pertamax: 31.7 days; Pertamax Turbo: 37.4 days; Pertamina Dex: 34.6 days; LPG: 16.9 days and Avtur: 29 days.

In the electricity subsector, the national peak daytime load is mostly in normal condition. Overall, the national supply totaled 34,719.35 MW with peak load of 32,397,59 MW so that the operation reserve was 2,321,76 MW.

Related to the potential of geological disasters, monitoring is conducted continuously to Mount Sinabung with level IV activity (Awas), eruption activity on July 7, 2017, visually observed cloudy weather, weak winds until dating east and southeast. The air temperature is about 17.4 - 23.8 Celsius, the volcano is covered in fog, the main crater fumes are not observed. Recommended for technical evacuation and relocation.

Activity after the eruption of Crater Sileri, Dieng, Banjarnegara District on July 7, 2017 visually observed sunny weather to cloudy, weak to medium winds to the north and east. The air temperature is about 11 - 21 Celsius. The volcano is clearly visible, the main crater smoke is white with the intensity of thin to medium high about 20 meters from the peak. Geological Agency recommends for tourists and communities around the Sileri Crater area not to approach and do any activity around Sileri Crater with 100m safe distance from the crater lip due to the danger of CO2 and H2S gas.

As for the landslide occurred in Enrekang, South Sulawesi and Balikpapan, East Kalimantan in the form of landslide. It is recommended that people around the disaster area be more vigilant, because the area is still potentially aftershore, especially during heavy rains with sufficient duration long. (NA)

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