Ground Run Bioavtur J2.4 a Success

Monday, 6 September 2021 - Dibaca 2046 kali




NUMBER: 314.Pers/04/SJI/2021

Date: 6 September 2021

Ground Run Bioavtur J2.4 a Success

Indonesia has successfully converted palm oil into bioavtur called bioavtur J2.4. The ground run of bioavtur J2.4 was conducted by the aircraft test team of state aerospace company PT Dirgantara Indonesia (Persero) in Bandung (6/9).

Aircraft ground run is the operation of some or all of the engines of an aircraft, while on the ground, to check the operation of engines or aircraft systems.

"First, we'd like to congratulate the Catalyst Team of Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB), who together with Pertamina, have successfully produced catalysts needed in the conversion of palm oil products into biofuels. Congratulations to Pertamina's refinery on the production of 2.4% bioavtur mix (J2.4), and congratulations to the Flight Test Team of ITB on the successful tests of J2.4 in aircraft engines, in both static and ground run tests," said Bioenergy Director of Directorate General of New, Renewable Energy and Energy Conservation (NREEC), Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Adriah Feby Misnah.

The use of bioavtur, according to Feby, will positively impact on the realization of new, renewable energy contribution. The National Energy Policy has set a target for new, renewable energy use of 23% by 2025.

"In accordance with the commitment made at COP-21 in Paris, Indonesia has targeted a 29% reduction in emissions by 2030, which includes the contribution from the energy and transportation sectors," Feby continued.

Feby said bioavtur had to be used immediately, especially by international flights that are required to use biofuel to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

To this end, DG NREEC is committed to supporting the continuity of bioavtur testing and the discussions on the bioavtur roadmap through facilitation and coordination with the relevant state ministries, agencies, and stakeholders, as Feby assured.

Meanwhile, Director of Commerce, Technology, and Development of PT Dirgantara Indonesia, Gita Amperiawan, said the use of bioavtur J2.4 in CN-235 flying test aircraft was aimed to examine the performance of bioavtur as aircraft fuel. Bioavtur was ground-run tested twice, at 10 o'clock and at noon, at the same temperature. The same test was conducted to petroleum-based avtur.

"Alhamdulillah (praise be to God), after we ran ground-run tests several times and the aircraft taxied, technically there were no problems. I talked with Mrs. Febby and the representatives of the Indonesia Military Airworthiness Authority (IMAA); maybe in the next one or two days we'll try to fly to Cengkareng after the special flight permit is issued by IMAA," Gita said.

"I'd like to thank you all for the trust placed on PT DI so that we have the opportunity to contribute to this crucial national program. During our work, we could witness the solidity of the relevant institutions in supporting the project. I hope the contribution of PT DI to the project will help accelerate the program so that, Inshaa Allah (God willing), the program will soon enter commercialization phase," Gita concluded.

For the record, state energy company PT Pertamina (Persero) and ITB with the support of the Agency for the Management of Oil Palm Plantation Funds (BPDPKS) have produced a bioavtur mix from 2.4% of refined, bleached, and degummed palm kernel oil (RBDPKO). The bioavtur is produced by the Treated Distillate Hydro Treating (TDHT) Refinery Unit (RU) 4 of Pertamina Cilacap, and is called Jet Avtur 2.4 (J2.4). (IY)

Head of Bureau of Communication, Public Information Services, and Cooperation

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