Gov’t to Carry Out Geothermal Drilling at Mt. Tampomas

Thursday, 4 March 2021 - Dibaca 1200 kali



NUMBER: 081.Pers/04/SJI/2021

Date: 4 March 2021

Gov't to Carry Out Geothermal Drilling at Mt. Tampomas

The Indonesian government will carry out geothermal drilling at Mt. Tampomas in Sumedang Regency, West Java Province this year. The government considers the geothermal potential of Mt. Tampomas feasible for a geothermal power plant (PLTP).

Representatives from Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (EMR), Sumedang Regency Government, and PT Pertamina Geothermal Energi (PGE) met on Thursday (4/3) to finalize the exploration plan. Development of Tampomas geothermal power plant is part of accelerated development of new, renewable energy projects in Indonesia.

"Selection of Mt. Tampomas as a geothermal exploration project has been based on the ranking issued by the Geological Agency of Ministry of EMR and a request letter from Sumedang Regent to Minister of EMR," said Geothermal Director of Ministry of EMR, Harris, in Sumedang.

According to the study by the Geological Agency, Harris continued, Mt. Tampomas has a geothermal resource of 100 Mega Watt (MW), and 55 MW will be developed.

The exploration activities at Tampomas geothermal work area will be carried out between 2021 and 2022, and include dissemination, coordination, and processing of licenses such as Environmental Management Efforts (UKL)-Environmental Monitoring Efforts (UPL), Groundwater Use Permit (SIPA), location permit, etc. "This is an important milestone in the history of geothermal exploration by the government between 2021 and 2025," Harris said.

The government geothermal exploration aims to improve geothermal resource data quality, so investment risk can be reduced. "This is a positive effort made by the government to support geothermal energy use," explained Harris.

Harris said the government expected geothermal energy can contribute 7,241.5 MW of installed capacity by 2025. Current installed capacity is 2,130.7 of 4,793 MW potential, with West Java Province supplying the largest portion of 1,193.8 MW. "I'm sure the results will be positive although at the initial stage of every geothermal project, there are always a lot of dynamics. What most important is the synergy between all parties to see this project as our joint interest," Harris emphasized.

A geothermal power plant project can create numerous job opportunities. "A geothermal power plant can create up to 400 job opportunities, from land clearance, exploration and exploitation, to development," said Harris.

Regent of Sumedang, Dony Ahmad Munir, is optimistic the geothermal power plant will benefit the locals. "I hope the project will progress quicker now that dissemination has started, followed by identification and resolution of problems," said Dony.

Sumedang Regency Government is committed to promoting the use of new, renewable energy to meet the target of 23% in the energy mix by 2025. "We'll prepare systematic efforts by a pentahelix method. I believe with consolidation of bureaucracy and mobilization of the social capital of the community, problems arising on the ground will be resolved," Dony concluded. (IY)

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